Pedal Steel Overdubs Wanted


New member
Hello all,
Before I start, I just want to say that these forums are incredible and everyone here is incredibly generous, helpful and friendly.

I am looking to add some pedal steel overdubs to some of my recordings. I have always loved the sound of the pedal steel and would actually be interested in learning to play it, but alas, I would like to have these tracks sooner than later. I'm yet to meet anyone who even owns a pedal steel, let alone knows how to play one. If there is anyone out there who can play fairly well, has recording gear and would be interested in helping me out, it would be hugely appreciated. Please respond here, or send me a private message. If you do send a private message, please reply to this thread letting me know you sent one or else I won't get e-mail notification. Thank you very much!

- Pete
Hey Pete if you play guitar a lap steel may just do you fine. Very easy to play if you already know guitar.

If it's not too late - I'll add pedal steel

Hello all,
Before I start, I just want to say that these forums are incredible and everyone here is incredibly generous, helpful and friendly.

I am looking to add some pedal steel overdubs to some of my recordings. I have always loved the sound of the pedal steel and would actually be interested in learning to play it, but alas, I would like to have these tracks sooner than later. I'm yet to meet anyone who even owns a pedal steel, let alone knows how to play one. If there is anyone out there who can play fairly well, has recording gear and would be interested in helping me out, it would be hugely appreciated. Please respond here, or send me a private message. If you do send a private message, please reply to this thread letting me know you sent one or else I won't get e-mail notification. Thank you very much!

- Pete

I'd like too add pedal steel - contact me please
It's too late...he bought a pedal steel and he's been practicing hard for the last three months and getting good at it. :D

haha, I have been practicing...lap steel though. However I am still interested, as the pedal steel is simply superior to the lap steel.
Hey Pete if you play guitar a lap steel may just do you fine. Very easy to play if you already know guitar.

won't really sound like a pedal steel though.
I think you can closer with just a regular git actually than with a lap steel. A lap steel is more of a dobro sort of vibe whereas you can do the chordal bending to some degree with a regular git.
I play a lot of country gigs and do a pretty good faux pedal steel for them.
So that's how I'd go if I was looking for a pedal steel sound.
I play a lot of country gigs and do a pretty good faux pedal steel for them.

I have apedal steel, nothing high-end, and I'm by no means a *player*...I just hack around on it when I want some of that vibe. :D
I can do a few OK licks with some practice, and prefer using the pedals instead of the knee levers. I've been looking for a pedal steel that has like 6-8 pedals and no knee levers, but usually those end up being double-neck models.
I'm sure I could have one built to order, but that would be $$$$...and I don't need it just to hack around, my 3-pedal works, and every once in awhile I even hit a knee lever when I get lucky.
I think you have to be dyslexic to use the knee levers with any skill! :laughings:

Yeah...a guitar with a whammy bar will get you pretty close.
I have apedal steel, nothing high-end, and I'm by no means a *player*...I just hack around on it when I want some of that vibe. :D
I can do a few OK licks with some practice, and prefer using the pedals instead of the knee levers. I've been looking for a pedal steel that has like 6-8 pedals and no knee levers, but usually those end up being double-neck models.
I'm sure I could have one built to order, but that would be $$$$...and I don't need it just to hack around, my 3-pedal works, and every once in awhile I even hit a knee lever when I get lucky.
I think you have to be dyslexic to use the knee levers with any skill! :laughings:

Yeah...a guitar with a whammy bar will get you pretty close.

pedal steel is insane!

I had a friend lend me his Shobud for a year or so and I quickly realized I'd have to devote my life to it to get any good.

Hell you've got so much to deal with ..... fingerpicks .... volume pedal .... a slide that has to be at the exact right spot ..... 8 pedals and 4 knee levers ...... and two necks with strangoid tunings ...... :eek:
And ALL of it has to work together.
I've always said that if God played an instrument it's be the pedal steel.
won't really sound like a pedal steel though.
I think you can closer with just a regular git actually than with a lap steel. A lap steel is more of a dobro sort of vibe whereas you can do the chordal bending to some degree with a regular git.
I play a lot of country gigs and do a pretty good faux pedal steel for them.
So that's how I'd go if I was looking for a pedal steel sound.

True, true.
Haha, I think some of you guys may have misread me. I have been practicing the lap steel, but just for fun. I am still very very very much interested in having the pedal steel overdubs done. JRFrogers, I sent you a private message about doing the overdubs.