-PEDAL SETUP- What order is best?


New member
i have:
-a crate halfstack with a crate 4x12 cab OR a marshall straight front 4x12(yes i know crates are pieces)
-schecter pt blackjack with seymours(jb and a '59)
-boss noise supressor
-boss cs-2 compression sustainer
-boss ds-1(i have used it once or twice tops so it doesnt matter if that in there)

im getting alot of buzz/hum.

wondering what i could do to get rid of the buzz/hum, get etter tone overall, and I'm baffled as to why the noise supressor isnt working.

any advice would be greatly appreciated
noise ?

try running the guitar straight into the amp and see if your hum goes away.... if it does then try your fx one at a time till you find the culprit..... also how are your cords ??
because maybe the noise

is happening AFTER the suppressor. Reverse the polariry of your plug, check for fluorescent lights on that circuit, turn thing on and off arount the house and see if it goes away. Definitely check your cords, especially the one going into your amp (last in the chain).

It's just going to be trial and error, process of elimination.

It's good training for learning recording, though. A skill that's used pretty much daily.
I have the Boss NS1 noise gate and the CS3 compressor, and I loop the compressor and any other noisy effects thru the send/return loop in the noise gate.

Then I send my guitar cable thru the noise suppresor in/out and straight into my amp.

But I agree with the above posters that you should investigate the source of the buzz/hum and see if you can fix the root of the problem. Proper shielding and grounding are certainly paramount.
SecondHeartbeat said:
i have:
-a crate halfstack with a crate 4x12 cab OR a marshall straight front 4x12(yes i know crates are pieces)
-schecter pt blackjack with seymours(jb and a '59)
-boss noise supressor
-boss cs-2 compression sustainer
-boss ds-1(i have used it once or twice tops so it doesnt matter if that in there)

im getting alot of buzz/hum.

wondering what i could do to get rid of the buzz/hum, get etter tone overall, and I'm baffled as to why the noise supressor isnt working.

any advice would be greatly appreciated

Okay, run the Compressor, then the NS 2 then the DS 1, then the amp...thats how I'd do it. Noisy should be the least thing that set-up is, i have an NS 2 and its pretty incredible at keeping my pedals quiet (10 of them, many Boss). Have you set the threshold right? You might keep the level of the compression low, sometimes it adds to the volume But the NS 2 will also rob a little boost, so it should even out...lemme know how this works, e mail if ya need to, like I say, i can usually get my pedals to work out fine.
I think about how the signal is going to be altered. Guitar out is clean, what's next? Distortion? but what if you have a fuzz? Do you want fuzzy distortion or distorted fuzz? I like to put the signal trashers on the amp input but anything that has a phaser, flanger, tremelo or delay plug those into the effects loop. Also, for me...I really love the sound of my amp(s) and the way they sound so, I don't use effects on the dirty channel, I plug the effects into the clean channels. That way I have three options, clean, pedal dirty and all amp over-drive/distortion.

Play and 'speriment.
ok this is going to sound wierd but you mention you have seymours in your guitar, ok did you put them in yourself? or have someone do it? if you did it yourself did you put the correct recomended value capaciter and pots on it? and how are your solder joints? are they smooth and shiny or dull and clunky (or did you do the electrical tape thing).are the pickups wired acording to the instructions included with the pickups? a dull and clunky solder joint is not a good joint and will cause sometimes buzz and hum in guitars especially if the wrong value capaciters and pots are used. not trying to be an ass just giving you something else to think about it may not be the amp or pedals.
gremlin said:
ok this is going to sound wierd but you mention you have seymours in your guitar, ok did you put them in yourself? or have someone do it? if you did it yourself did you put the correct recomended value capaciter and pots on it? and how are your solder joints? are they smooth and shiny or dull and clunky (or did you do the electrical tape thing).are the pickups wired acording to the instructions included with the pickups? a dull and clunky solder joint is not a good joint and will cause sometimes buzz and hum in guitars especially if the wrong value capaciters and pots are used. not trying to be an ass just giving you something else to think about it may not be the amp or pedals.
Those pick-ups come standard on that specific model.
It might be that they were wired poorly or something though.

thank you because i hadnt thought of that.
dave..... said:
try running the guitar straight into the amp and see if your hum goes away.... if it does then try your fx one at a time till you find the culprit..... also how are your cords ??
im using all monster.

does anybody know if a power conditioner might help this out?
SecondHeartbeat said:
batteries unfortunately.

im saving up for a voodoo lab pedal power though.

I take it that your Boss noise suppressor isn't the NS1 because it doubles as a power supply for other pedals.
Tadpui said:
I take it that your Boss noise suppressor isn't the NS1 because it doubles as a power supply for other pedals.
uhhhhhhhhh shit.

hahaha i feel quite dumb now.

it may be the NS-2 or something then hahaha.
Tadpui said:
I take it that your Boss noise suppressor isn't the NS1 because it doubles as a power supply for other pedals.
uhhhhhhhhh shit.

hahaha i feel quite dumb now.

it may be the NS-2 or something then hahaha.