Pedal Selections: Chorus/Flange/delay?


New member
hi y'all. I have been playing with my friends zoom multieffects bass pedal with my guitar, and its really been fun, and made me realize how juicy effects can be when used at the right time, with my own creation i mean, and was wondering what kind of effects would be good for some n00b noodling around, I am not looking for anything over $120 cad, I don't want to drop any big numbers until i actually know what i'm doing.
any and all advice/suggestions are appreciated, thanks :)
The Ibanez DE-7 is excellent, and right in your price range. Probably the Danelectro pedals for the other flavors will be more than good enough for experimentation. Or did you mean $120 AUD for the lot? That would be difficult without used/blowouts, and at that, would limit you to, at most, two decent effects.
You a bass player? You mention playing a bass multi-fx. If ya are, I'd stick with a bass chorus for now...people are gonna shoot me for saying this, but IMO nothing sounds worse than fuzz bass!

Otherwise, if you're a guitarist, I'd go with a chorus. Check out artec pedals - they're great for the money, dunno who distributes them to Canada though.
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Phase Shifters, Flangers, Chorus Pedals, and the Univibe are all very useful pedals. Delay pedals are more limited in value at least in your signal path. They are more evident sonically as a plug-in on a guitar track.