Peart Programmability?


Okay, so I am not a drummer and my drummer is leaving for grad school soon. I have recently gotten into programming drums in my sequencer. I am not sure this is the right forum (not sure if it fits with drums or with midi), but here goes.

I was listening to Subdivisions by Rush today and was wondering if you guys think it is even possible to program the really cool ride syncopations that he does in the beginning and all the cool stuff he does on the rides throughout. That is the one thing that always blows me away about Neil Peart, the cymbal work. Has anyone done anything similar? Any tips? He seems to have an almost trademark pattern on the rids that if I could get it once, I could save that midi file for use in multiple songs later.

What do ya think?
Nothing is impossible to reproduce in MIDI. Drumming is all math.

But as far as capturing the feel, groove, human element, and magic of a Neil Peart (or any great drummer), you're going to have to worry about a lot more than simply "where" the notes fall. Now, things like velocity become very important. That's when it starts getting tricky.
The "signature" pattern he plays was well in use long before we heard it in YYZ, Spirit of Radio, Subdivisions etc... but yeah, it's not too difficult once you figure out that the snare grace notes are just as important as the bell figures. Program away.
If you can count it, you can program it. Once you have it 'correct', it will sound a little robotic. That's when you have to start playing with the velocity and possibly moving the hits a smidgen forward or backward.

It might help if you load the song into your sequencer and put the midi track next to the audio track so you can compare the placement.
Thanks for telling me it's possible. now the issue is am I good enough. I'm not so sure on that one, but you can bet I will give it a shot. Thanks guys.
You know, just this morning I was thinking I should search for some Rush midi files, I come here and you provide me with the links. Ask and ye shall receive, I suppose. Thanks for your helps guys.