Peak then RMS or Rms then Peak? (compression)


New member
ok i'm gonna be recording a mono signal into my computer, i've got an Alesis two channel compressor and i wanna tame the peaks and give a good hot signal to my ADC. Do ya think limiting the Peaks first, then lightly compressing the RMS woud be better than dooing the oppsite (RMS first then Peaks)?


I wouldn't compress the signal at all while recording, especially not two times. If at all, I'd use a fast limiter to catch the transients that might produce an over. But usually, I don't use compression at all until mixdown. Remember, you can't undo too much compression later on!

I just reread your post and realized that you wanted to use an Alesis compressor. Do yourself a favour and do a search on that model. After reading all the posts about this thing, you will definitely not want to use it on any of your signals at all.

I agree. In addition, it's important to remember that you are not recording to an analog medium where a niose floor can be a problem if optimum signal level isn't occurring. You won't find this with digital recording. If you must, tame the peaks with a fast limiter on the way so you don't clip the ADC, but I wouldn't compress. Take note that even with weak signal, you won't find much noise when auditioning your tracks within your DAW. (That is, unless the integrety of your front ends signal chain is not up to par).

I personally always keep it as simple as possible. Mic > Pre> DAC> Harddisk. With an occasion limiter in the pre's insert.

Good Luck