PC Trouble - Random Audio Distortion (M-audio Profire 2626)


New member
Hey all,

I've been having problems with my m-audio profire 2626 and my windows 7 64bit pc since the day i connected the two. Sourcing help on the m-audio forums didnt yield any results and the mods there don't know shit they just keep linking you the the faqs.

My problem is that the audio from my machine distorts at random intervals. Sometimes it will be fine for 10-15 minutes and then the signal just becomes distorted. This can last anywhere from 20 seconds to ~10 mins. Sometimes if it happens when im in protools and i stop playback then resume the problem goes away.

I did all the trouble shooting off the m-audio forums, ive put a compatible firewire card in the computer, updated all drivers, etc etc. I read a lot on their site about cpu throttling and the likes, and to my knowledge i have turned all those power saving features off in the bios.

So im at a loss and dont know what to do. I dont particularly want to go through selling the interface and buying another if the problem is to do with the pc so i was hoping someone on this forum might be a bit more knowledgeable in this area. The fact that the distortion comes in randomly, often when im just listening to music in winamp not doing much else with the pc (i.e. browsing the net which doesnt use amuch processing power at all) which leads me to suspect i missed something in the bios or its a windows 7 thing?? I just dont know what else to try. Here's my system specs:
> Mainboard : Gigabyte P55A-UD3P
> Processor : intel i5 2.6ghz
> Physical Memory : 4GB 1600mhz
> Video Card : Gigabyte Radeon HD5770
> Video Memory : 1GB
> Hard Disks : 2 x Samsung Spinpoint F1 (1TB Each)
> Operating System : Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
> DirectX : Version 11
> Soundcard: M-Audio Profire 2626

If anyone can help me i will name my firstborn after your username, cheers.
did it work before, and you're trying a new pc install?

i had 64bit issues and none on 32bit version of xp.....most my free plugins seemed to work only on 32. not any help, i dont know if they even have 32bit 7?

good luck.
no i bought and built the pc myself and then got the profire about a month later. the one thing i havent tried is installing the drivers and profire onto another pc with xp. i believe you can choose whether you want to install w7 as 32bit or 64bit so maybe i could try that if the profire works on another pc
upon checking my windows install disc i can only install the 64bit version, i dont think this would be the problem because m-audio has 64bit drivers
I dont have specific exp. but did have a bad fight with a wndows 64bit xp awhile back (by mistake kind of...or ignorance actually) and was my first battle with that issue of 32 vs 64....a enitre mess of VST plgs and all this other stuff with the pc.

i'm again looking at changing formats and all this crap comes up again.... can I change all my past song types to another brand, example Kristal to Ableton or to Cakewalk to Cubase etc..etc....

in short, its a hard transition. I kind of wish I'd started in Pro Tools or something in the beginning..... hindsight.

on the Windows 7 I cae across this and thought of your post too...Windows7.... Windows 7 - 64bit
Although from version 2.0 of Saffire Mix Control Windows 7 is fully supported without the need to downgrade to the Windows Legacy FireWire driver, users may experience better performance on 64-bit systems while using the Legacy driver. For more information about Windows 7 FireWire Drivers, please visit the Focusrite Answerbase.

good luck...