pc drum programs


New member
i'm a guitarist and when i write songs i feel that even tho they have bass and guitar and vocals, nothing makes a song sound like a "song" more than drums....i was wondering if there is a program i can download from kazaa that is like a drum machine so i can get some beats in there?

as always

thank you in advance


specifically what kind of drums? a loops drums (preset kind of beat) or you the one whos going to make your own beat? (manua)
Jtrain42 said:
....i was wondering if there is a program i can download from kazaa that is like a drum machine so i can get some beats in there?

FYI, we don't support ilegal software here. Good luck with your Kazaa :rolleyes: Get a life...
Jtrain42 said:
i was wondering if there is a program i can download from kazaa that is like a drum machine so i can get some beats in there?

Congrats, you're well on your way to having everyone on this board ignore any future posts you may have.
Jtrain42 said:
i'm a guitarist and when i write songs i feel that even tho they have bass and guitar and vocals, nothing makes a song sound like a "song" more than drums....i was wondering if there is a program i can download from kazaa that is like a drum machine so i can get some beats in there?

yeah!!! i didnt realize you mentioned kazaa, even though you can download some music stuff on kazaa, your music will never be good. garanteed! why dont you go to work
Jtrain42 said:
i'm a guitarist and when i write songs i feel that even tho they have bass and guitar and vocals, nothing makes a song sound like a "song" more than drums....i was wondering if there is a program i can download from kazaa that is like a drum machine so i can get some beats in there?

There are a number of products you can download for drums. Some are freeware and some are commercial. Most commercial programs have trial versions.

One good one, which has many features and is low is cost, is Band In A Box from PG Music.

Dont push the man arround. He just ask a question nicely. And dont bother with piracy, couse anyone on this forum use at least one program, without a licence.

Hey man. I do my drums with fruity loops, they sound little bit sintethic at the start, but when you get used to it you can make great realistic rock song. Few of my frieds doest even noticed, that the drums are not real, when i showed them a song.

Take care everyone.
beezelbubba said:
I use pcdrummer pro,but I don't care that much for it.I think I need to try Fruity Loops.

Ditto that :( .

Another one out there which is extremely cheap is called leafdrums, although I had stability problems with it.

I really should have waited and bought fruity I think :D.
pcdrummers ok,but I can't export single drums as wave files,nor can I get around that by muting all but one instrument.I assume fruity loops can do this?
Also,fruity loops is good for more than just drums,correct?