Pawn Shop Strat


Stand Up Comity
So a friend of mine's got an old Strat that came from a pawnshop a few years ago. It's MIJ sn Q000049, so '93 or 4. Couple of things about that seem odd to me...

The neck is very vintage looking, small headstock, safety style tuners, only one string tree.

The body is red over flame, front and back.

The pup pole pieces are not staggered right on two of them, like they've been pushed down or something.

The pickguard is faded from white to green. The knobs and pup covers are faded to cream.

Anything interesting here?
Yeah, I'll work on that.

the earliest japanese fenders to catch on were vintage reissues so even though those years are not the early ones it makes sense that there would be plenty of them out there. that explains the vintage appointments. i'm not sure about the details on how the pickups on those reissues were made but often the small details were the downfall of them so one polepiece being made wrong would not be surprising if that was how a certain year was done.

to verify the authenticity it's best to look in the neck pocket. that will tell you pretty quickly if a body or neck have been changed.

and pictures. lots of them especially of details like the neck pocket and the body under the pickgaurd. also a shot of the back of the pickkgaurd/pickups can help.