Patriots, Be Upstanding

Peter B

New member
Hi everyone,

This is my first post here. My stuff is mainly guitar-based. Last year I had a project of writing and recording a song a month, mainly done in order to familiarise myself with the software. Now I'm going through and remixing and attempting to master them. Any listens and comments appreciated.


Listening on a crappy system but...the thing that stuck out to me the most was those tempo changes. They sound very awkward. I think there needs to be a better transition between them. Even a pause of some sort would help. As far as the mix, drums sound good. Guitars sound tinny and thin especially that lead part. Vocals sound ok maybe a little louder.
+1 on very tinny guitars. Vocals have a very audible distortion over them everywhere. Great vocal performance and melody, and I like the song a lot. Just something awkward about the cartoony-sounding guitars and distorted vocals.
Agree with the first 3 comments - I would also question the timing between the drums, guitar, bass and vocals.
Thanks for all the feedback - great to get some different perspectives.

Bruthish, I tried to signal the tempo changes with drum fills - maybe I'll turn them up a bit. Thanks.

Andrushkiwt, thanks for the encouragement. I can't hear distortion on the vocals. I've got two vocal tracks to add a bit more body. Maybe the 2nd quieter track sounds like distortion to you.

PSR, I'm pretty sure the timing is alright; maybe the tempo changes threw you.

About the lead guitars, although I agree they sound fairly thin, the sound is intentional. One reason is to distinguish the two distinct leads that are playing together and also need to be heard separately from the rhythm guitar's frequencies. And another reason is I like those sounds! So maybe our tastes are different. E.g. you might not be keen on the Fire Engines' Candyskin - not that I'm going for the same sound but I love the sound of the lead in that song.

Anyway, thanks again.
I like this mix-it's a little pointy but it just seems the style. Reminds me of captain beefheart the board distorted kind of 60's guitar sound, i like it. Really interesting beat(s), and nice tempo changes. I would have done something to the voice around the 1:10 area--seems to be struggling a bit maybe a diff sound for a second or 2--i don't know, seems like the voice in general could have some kind of processing just to break up different sections of the song, maybe push your double up at certain changes as the vocals are so dry.. could just be a hokey idea..i imagine you consider this a done deal... also some kind of sound i hear there like a rain stick or toilet flushing or something? (1:17). Anyway i think it sounds good there's a couple of slips in the playing but it works as a whole to my ears.
On the first listen the tempo/meter changes threw me as well. But on the following listens I really enjoyed the changes. I really like the bass line, very McCartney. I think the mix is done well. The only thing that bothers me are the parts where the voice is in the upper register, 1st time is around the 1:10 mark. Either need a stronger vocal take there, meaning a bit more aggressive performance or perhaps some harmony vocal to make it stand out. The vocal sounds great in the lower chest voice and the melodies are great ear worms.