Paris Systems Cheap Read Quick

I hope this thread doesnt start into a forum for Paris-haters....this seems to be a steal and Id love to have it...But if I sold all my blood, plasma, and sperm, Id still be a bit short.....
Aw hell you think they do background checks...years of alcohol abuse may rule me out.....hey, maybe a liver too.....

One side note....sperm banks are very picky about the way they collect their cant bring it in on a McDonalds napkin.......

Paris sound card..........or...that new PRS custom 24, or what about that new fender CyberTwin I was checking out, about two P4 computers? I could build two of them easily with 2700.00, hell I could probably even spring for a 21" monitor as well....

Does any body else think this is alot of funds for a sound card? Not a Paris hater, but from what I have read here, they are OUTRAGEOUSLY priced, and don't come with a lot of goodies..............
prs guitars are over priced....inmho they suck.

don't buy the paris system yet...wait till it gets cheaper, it will.

or buy doesn't really matter now does it?

The Paris sytem, in my understanding, is far more than a sound card. Its ProTools competition. DSP mixing and all. Check it out, its the nuts. I'd take it over a PRS or 2 computers ANY day without hesitation.
It may not get much cheaper though, I always thought Paris was about $4000, and for 2 something, thats tight.
Wish I had it :(

I think they are supposed to have premium converters, too, and a hardware mixing station.
PARIS is capable of 128 Tracks out of the box without strain on the host computer at all with ZERO THATS RIGHT ZERO LATENCY!! !!!!! MUCH MORE than just a soundcard.

Bundle III includes:

EDS1000 DSP CARD capable of massive amounts of DSP (you could run Par EQ and a compressor on all 128 tracks with ease) Leaving your host computer JUST for native Direct X and VST plugins...

MEC Chasis which is very expandable

Control 16 Mixing Surface with 100mm faders

PARIS Software which has awesome effects and is by far the most stable software for multitracking around. I can record multiple sessions without rebooting and PARIS has NEVER NEVER crashed during a session.

You should really read about it if you have not really read about PARIS its one of those little secrets ;-)

I just recorded, Mixed and Mastered all in PARIS a 40+ Track project with ease. I am not talking about just a project here but a full session with A scale session players for a developmental label deal.. Not to get a whole thread started about this BUT on the Digidesign PT forum there was a head to head comparison PT vs PARIS and the only thing that PT could get over PARIS was the PARIS control 16 doesnt have motorized faders BUT unlike PT PARIS can be used with a third party motorized mixers ;-) So you choose hehe

There are quite a few on here that don't know a thing about PARIS that will mouth off on just rumors they have heard but there are a few others in here that can testify to the sound, stability and power of PARIS.. DO YOUR OWN REASEARCH AND HAVE FUN!

P.S. PARIS has been called by quite a few including MIX magazine the only analog digital system around. The sound is almost freaky and hard to believe its digital.. Anyway just trying to shead a little light in the BBS if someone gets it feel free to email me for any questions or help..
Yeah, PARIS, woohoo...

I'm one of those guys that has used PARIS from the beginning. My serial number is like 20 or something. I have used PARIS on 12 full length CD's now and I am not going back to PT or analog (tape that is). Truth be told, I'm getting a little bored with the PARIS bashing and PARIS rah-rah. It works, I use it, it's fast, it's stable, it sounds great, it's affordable, the end.

Tom Cram
dbx Senior Technical Support
(801) 568-7530

is anyone willing to buy my current sound cards so i can get this thing....

(MOTU2480, DELTA1010) I'll even throw in my soul, 2 hookers and my roland 1680 w/ effects card.

come on let's make a deal....

LOL two hookers, hmm 3 and you have a deal ;-) If you search around you have a pretty good chance of finding a bundle III for like 2,500 NEW it was a good deal but you can find the same good deal elsewhere. I wouldn't waste my money on a PRO system since its the same friggin thing just buy a bundle III and upgrade to 3.0 software and save a grand or so ;-) Of course I have New PARIS PRO systems for 3,995 if anybody decides they want one heh. Oh one more thing that rocks about PARIS it is so stable on PC or MAC actually I think a little more on PC AND works awesome with Athlons. And just a little side note if you do get a PARIS system DO NOT GET A SCSI drive PARIS works best off regular IDE. They recomend Maxtor. hehe its pretty cool seeing track counts in the upper 90's with a drive that costs like 99 bucks
sorry i lost one hooker 2 cocaine, so the deal is off...
and the roland has SCSI issues, he's in rehab now.

thankz 4 the advice Nashstudio when my rich uncle dies i'll look into the Paris... ha the doctor said he got 40 more yearz:)

as alwayz
How Rich Creature

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap!! :)

you can by me a Paris after the deed, and I want the hookers too ;)
Hey, Nash is right Paris rocks, p-e-r-i-d!!. Tom is right ( and more layed back about it......... now lets talk DBX some, it's fantabulous also !!! plug - plug - plug !!!) If'n u can get your hands on a PARIS, u definately won't be dis ( as in DIS -apointed)

All we need is Ed's seal of approval. Bruce?? Slack?? Dr.?? etc.
just lost in the woods....

well...I HAVE been checking them out, and reading about them, (and others) I guess it is just WAY over my head.....and WAY out of my league ($$$), just an old guitar junkie starting out in this recording endevour!!!

I surf 3 or 4 other forums besides this one, trying to learn, and pick up tips and tricks to this digital recording world...but I like most would have to start selling off major body parts or, most of the toys that I bought to BUILD the "digital recording" setup that I have now (not much, but it works)!! And it would then only be one part of everything you need to get started.

My intention wasn't to "upset" ya'll, just wanted to know what others thought.........

Buy the don't work for Paris do ya? :) LOL

The bear will now slowly, lumber off into the cool damp forest and hide, possibly hibernate, from this thread, where he is most definately, LOST amongst the "digi-gods" of the forest!!!!!!!! Later!!!!!