Paris .PAF compatibility


New member
Is Cubase, or any other program you know of, compatible with the old Ensoniq PARIS software?? It saves as a .PAF file and I want to know if it can be opened and edited and/or added to in another program such as cubase, or pro tools etc...

If Interested....

The Deal is that my friend recorded an album at a studio that uses the outdated PARIS software. They started screwing him over in the editing process by being WAY TOO meticulous...I mean seriously editing the daylights out of it above what was necessary thus using up all the project budget. So now he wants to finish the overdubs, editing, mixing, and mastering elsewhere but none of the studios here in the PAC Northwest use PARIS. So if any other program used at a studio can convert the .PAF file into their own then he will salvage his album. Otherwise it will remain shelfed for quite some time.

Any suggestions???
i'm not aware of anything. but i could be wrong.
and i dont know paris intimately - BUT if paris can save in the wave file format which can then be read by any other computer multitrack software ,
the only thing i can think of , and its going to be tedious is to find
a paris studio somewhere to exprt every track as a wave file.
once accomplished...then you can even get a pc with multitrack software to import all the files and then finish mixing etc.
as i said this is tedious.

well further to the above i just used google and audacity multitrack claims to import paris paf files. you might download audacity , and run it on a pc to verify. audacity can be found by googling. if were me i would email the
audacity software developers to verify it will read paf files.
What the heck is a .PAF file? I noticed HarBal also imports .PAF files...
Leading me to believe that these are simply oddly formatted .wav files.

Or are .PAF files, Project files?

Okay, so I found out that they are the Paris Version of a .wav file...
I'm sure a lot of programs import them no?

Steinberg WaveLab does I think.
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They are the project files in PARIS--an outdated recording software.

So when you open it, it will place all the .wav's or .aiff's in the right spots for like overdubs and stuff.
And like I said... I've only found info that says PAF is the extension for...
Paris Audio Format - The PARIS equivalent to .wav.

This leads me to believe that your friend was not given project files.
That your friend was given only the audio files from the sessions.

Here is a link to the converter manning pointed you to...

It's a converter to convert paf to wav

You can also go here...

And download the manual for Paris Pro to read further on Paris.
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