Parametric Sweep


New member
I'm sure this is something that you get a better feel for with experience, but can anyone give me some guidelines on parametric sweeps?

I'm using a software parametric in Reaper. It seems like any frequency will squawk if I give it enough gain. How much gain is too much?

How tight do you make the notches? The filter I'm using goes down to .01 octave, but I'm occasionally finding two or three ringing frequencies within a close proximity. Should I just widen the notch to catch all these in one band or keep using several tight notches to leave as much of the original wave as possible?

Is 10 notch bands getting carried away?

If I want to eq the overall sound after the sweep, should I add another filter or should I boost around the notches I've already created?

:confused:Thanks for your help.
The bottom line is this: you have to use your ears. That said, generally speaking, I make cuts of problem frequencies narrow. If I'm going to boost, I tend to use a wider Q, and only a couple of dB. If I'm trying to scoop out an instrument to make room for the vocals, I'll cut wide and shallow. As always, use your ears and go with what sounds best.