parametric eq


New member
I am thinking about getting a ribbon mic, and understand its common to have to use eq on these. Currently I simply have a Grace Design mic preamp, with nothing else in the chain (well, other than the mic & recorder of course). What I am wondering is what are some reasonable equalizers out there. Is there a big difference between doing this after the fact on the computer, or adding it live to the chain?

Some of the brands I have been seeing used: Ashley, Peavey, Orban, Technics, Rane. Any strong opinions on these?
Just my opinion, but I would avoid using any EQ at all during the recording. See how it sounds first.
Then, you could make minor tweaks at will with a digital EQ in whatever system you are mixing on.

I had one of the Ashley PEQ's and returned it. It was simply not recording quality. The Behringer DSP8024 actually works quite well in both analog, or in digital mode with the AES/EBU option card. It has a Stereo, six-band PEQ "hidden" in its workings under the guise of a "feedback destroyer".
I use EQ while recording. I have a reasonably nice Speck ASC, and use it on the way in--to do what plug-ins cant.

Yeah I know I could use it at mixdown instead, but I'm too lazy. You just have to know what you want, and then commit early on. Actually keeps things moving and offers some freedom from endless tweaking. Of course there will be mistakes, but I'm just recording myself. No one is on the clock.

i agree with the eq at mixdown thing. move your mic around if it doesnt sound right, change mics out if they dont have a tone you want. hopefully with experimentation you can get your tones to tape to be just what you want and only have to use minimal eq at all.

also i dunno why you would need an eq more for a ribbon than another mic.
Thanks for all the input. I have never used eq in recording, so was not sure what the issues were. Your feedback has helped quite abit. I think I will plan on using nothing hopefully, or delaying to mixdown if it is unavoidable.
Blue bear, thanks for the post on Great Rivers & Speck, at least now I know what to look for. Alas, none of this stuff comes cheap... so will see what the needs are when I get the ribbons said:
also i dunno why you would need an eq more for a ribbon than another mic.

A little high shelving from a nice EQ on a good ribbon will often give a nice, smooth airy-ness that can otherwise be tough to get.