

New member
I use the method I saw in this forum with 4 mics, snare , kick and 2 overheads. the overheads being 2 stick lenghts from center of the snare, and it works out great! I pan the snare at 11 and the kick center. what I want to know is how far left and right should I pan the overheads? all the way?
whatever sounds best to you :-) I try and do 9 and 3, just so there's no extreme separation. Think of the kit as a whole while mixing, not a smorgasboard of drums and cymbals. Some songs may call for more extreme panning than others. But use your ears, if you think that the kit should sound closer together, pan 'em that way. if you have a song filled with Neil Peart-like tom fills, extreme separation may make them stand out a little more.



Have fun!
Go ALL THE WAY!!!!!! Its what I do most of the time. If you have proper placement and some decent mics, it should sound very natural sounding. And make sure its drummer's perspective! (no offense to those who like audience perspective, it just drives me nurtz!)
rory said:
And make sure its drummer's perspective! (no offense to those who like audience perspective, it just drives me nurtz!)

I hear you man, thats one of my biggest pet peeves.
NegadivOne said:
I hear you man, thats one of my biggest pet peeves.

Ditto. To infinity. Nothing drives me nuts more than listening to something via headphones and thinking "arrgh! the drums are backwards!"

Russtopher said:
whatever sounds best to you :-) I try and do 9 and 3, just so there's no extreme separation. Think of the kit as a whole while mixing, not a smorgasboard of drums and cymbals. Some songs may call for more extreme panning than others. But use your ears, if you think that the kit should sound closer together, pan 'em that way. if you have a song filled with Neil Peart-like tom fills, extreme separation may make them stand out a little more.



Have fun!

That's a good answer right here. Sometimes I may even leave everything in the center.