Panning left/right


New member
I got an interesting issue which I hope someone has a solution for.

When I want to record an audio track, let's say a synth melody line, and want to record the sound randomly (source going from left to right and vice versa) I see the meters in Cubase go from left to right.

Once I recorded the piece of audio and play it back I hear no difference from left/right anymore. The signal does not sound mono.

I record from a subgroup to the Yamaha DS2416's in and the source comes back to two channels of my mixing desk. I have panned the two channels hard left and right.

I think this should give you enough information, otherwise let me know.

Thanks in advance!

If you're recording your synth with only a single cable, you would be recording to a single track only and it is NOT stereo.

Panning is not something that gets recorded - it is used to assign a left/right position during mixdown.

In tracking, the only significance it has is for positioning in a stereo track, or for assigning recording track position in some mixers busses.

I do record with two cables, so that's not the issue. I know that panning is to get the source left/right and create a stereo effect.

However as i said it puzzles me that the meters show left/right go up and down contra (I don't know how to say this in correct English, sorry) but when i hit playback nothing is heard from that random left right effect....

Any other thoughts? Or am i not understanding you correctly?

Thnx for your reply.

So, if you're recording stereo then you need to pan your stereo tracks hard left and right during playback to restore your recorded stereo image. If you leave the pan controls centered on a stereo signal, you are turning it into mono (on playback only).

When i record from a source I pan hard left/right and when I play back the source I also have panned the output hard left/right.

This is also a way of getting there.....
