Panning issue in Sonar 5


New member
Last night I was messing around with some distorted guitar parts and messing with some techniques and I ran into a problem that I don't recall running into with Sonar 3. I recorded 4 tracks of the same guitar part panned one hard left, one hard right, one 68% left, and 68% right. I'm recording in mono through the 3rd input (L) on my Edirol DA-2496. The hard right was silent no response from the meters or anything, and 68% right was audiable, but less distorted. What am I doing wrong?

I have this posted on the site, but they aren't quite a prompt as you guys. Thanks!
Promythia said:
Last night I was messing around with some distorted guitar parts and messing with some techniques and I ran into a problem that I don't recall running into with Sonar 3. I recorded 4 tracks of the same guitar part panned one hard left, one hard right, one 68% left, and 68% right. I'm recording in mono through the 3rd input (L) on my Edirol DA-2496. The hard right was silent no response from the meters or anything, and 68% right was audiable, but less distorted. What am I doing wrong?

I have this posted on the site, but they aren't quite a prompt as you guys. Thanks!
It sounds like you might have recorded stereo tracks rather than mono tracks. Is there a waveform on one half of the track and a flat line above or below it? In a mono track. the waveform should be in the center.

When you select your recording inputs, you should be choosing Left 3/4, rather than stereo 3/4.
Perhaps the panning on the input is treating your mono signal as purely a left-side input with no signal at all on the right. Then what you describe would be the result.

Panning is something you want to do after you record, for placing things in the stereo image on mixdown.

Record them all in mono, then pan during mixing.