Panning backing-vox


New member
I would like to know how you guys pan your backing vocals. Let's say you recorded some simple/standard rock song with a lead singer and a backround singer and the backing vox kicks in in the chorus to ad more harmony. Well my question is, how do you pan it in the mix. Do leave it in the middle along with the lead? Do you copy it to another track and then pan one a little to the left and the other a little to the right? Or just use one track and pan it to the left/right? Also i've read that it's better to make the backing vox sound a liitle more dull so that you don't "disturb" the lead vox. Whats the best way to do this?


P.s. Any more tips on recording Vox/backing vox?
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Let's make the assumption that we have two tracks of group vocals -- three voices in each stack. Let's make them sound like the Eagles. Pan one group far left, and the other hard right. Suck out some lower mid-range to make them sound airy and angelic. See? Just like the Eagles. OOPS -- better add some stereo reverb. A nice plate sound with a 1.5 second decay ought to do it. there you go. Eagles.

OK, I copied this from some reference material I found on the Web, but it works!
If you have individual tracks of vocal harmonies, (1 harmony per track) Take the a little lower mid out (like above) and spread them out. Remember that higher parts will stick out more, but lower parts will have more gurth. With a 3 part, I usually have the singer sing all the parts twice. (6 tracks) I pan the lower parts farther out than the higher parts.