Panart Hang Drums.


Twitchy Wanker
Anybody seen one of these

A friend of mine is a Bodhran Maker and Master player and he turned me on to these amazing instruments. He wrote the guy an email and was invited over to Bern, Switzerland to stay for a week whilst his own one off hang drum was made. He wanted something that would translate into celtic traditional music. The Hang drum he got made is tuned to D.
Last night i finally got to hear the drum itself. Well how does it sound? Amazing, on the side with the notes it's almost like a Harp, Bell like and ethereal. Really quite like nothing else i have ever heard. On the other side its more bassy and deep. It's quite simply an amazing instrument, im busting my crackers for him to bring it round so i can record it. It would certainly be a great sound to incorporate into a record and very unique. Oh and it looks like a flying saucer, way cool.