PA stuff again (abt speakers and EQ)


New member
Hi all:

I know PA stuff far less then recording stuff.

I've met a guy one day who is pretty expirienced in receiving orders about setting stage audio. I was impressed by the look and the sound of his old peavey speaker which he claimed the speaker is only 100watt RMS. I is a box which you can't see the front of the cones and it's hidden inside of the box. He said the box is massive, about 4 foot in a cubic shape.

Then he took out a thing that he sell - the enhancer.

I admit it sounds crystal clear when he turn on the enhancer and there's a huge difference when he turn it off. I also reconginsed that it sound like the EQ were fuller which sounds like there were some extra EQ that weren't there before. It also sound like a "smilely face" EQ with increased Low and Hi freq.

But is it a must if I want the speaker to sound good? Will it help to fill in the blanks of the sound quality that a lower priced speaker won't have??

Are there any disadvantage for doing that?

Thanks for reading.

There's no magic box that will make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Best to learn the theory and then the pieces will fall into place. A decent guitar shop should have the Peavey live sound booklets; they are great for this; not too much, not too little.