Overhead Mics


New member
Ok Guys....I just want an opinion on the following mics for overheads. I've used the AKGc1000's before and actually quite like them. But somebody has also told me about Marshal MXL603's and said they were pretty good too. Unfortunately living in Australia (geographically handicapped) we don't have anyone that sells the Marshals so I can't actually try before I buy!!!

Has anyone had experience with the two Mics???
Thanks in advance'

If your use to the sound of C1000's than you won't be dissapointed with the 603's. I have a pair of C1000's which I've used for years as overheads, but thought I'd try a new flavour. So, I bought a pair of 603's. I've been using them for a few months now, and I like them better than the C1000's.

I had to send one of them back to MXL because it developed a weird thunderstorm/rumbling sound, occasionally spiking at -38dB or so. To MXL's credit they fixed the mic and got it back to me within a couple weeks. On a side note, I doubt I'll by microphones from the USA retailers anymore. It sometimes works out cheaper, but when something goes wrong... it's always fun paying brokerage fee's and duty twice on a $79.00 microphone! But, that's my fault.

For price/performance the 603's are a much better deal than the C1000's.