Overhead Mic choice


New member
So i have a few overhead options. What would you choose? The drummer is an excellent player rock/jazz style, Not a very heavy hitter with a fair amount of ride cymbal usage, it's a vintage 60's slingerland kit perfectly tuned etc.
My mic choices:
sm-81's (been using these mostly)
Akg 414's
Adk Vienna's
Adk Hamburg's

the rest of the kit will be:
421's toms (1 rack, 1 floor)
D112 Kick (Closed head/ no holes) sounds great though.
akg 451 hat
snare 57 top
snare top #2 adk Sc-2 (just to check it out)
snare bottom 57

Any advice would be appreciated!

Not to be a smartie pants, but whatever sounds best. How are we to know which of those will sound #1? Depending on the room, one condensor overhead and one kick mic would smoke on a good drummer for jazz stuff.

Sorry but I don't get it. You have a decent selection there, try them out for yourself. Walk around the kit / room while he jams, this will tell you a lot.

War :cool:
Depends on what kind of sound you want. AKG 414s for a tight sound. Im guessing the SM-81s will give you a more open sound to the kit. I think normally with jazz you want the more open sound. But it really depends on what your looking for.

Good players can effectively "mix themselves" with their technique and expertise. A kick and a coupla overheads do really well, especially on a well balanced set with a well balanced drummer (is there such a thing?)
sm 57

i would never use sm 57 on snare if I had such a nice selection of mics. reather try md421 on snare! i love 57 but not with snare, it just doesnt do for the nice open snare sound.

no offence! that is just my opinion! :)
Not a fan of 81's on drums. I Prefer LDC's on Drums Even when I gig live My rider asks for AKG-3000, KSM 32, etc... SM81 is my LAST choice. Too shrill sounding to me.

414's are very predictable and sound good on OH's
The problem with using a Sennheiser MD421 on the snare is the size. Not very idealistic sticking it in between a high hat and toms. And i dont really think it needs it on the top. Now a MD421 on the bottom is a pretty good idea if you have the tracks. But keep them on the toms too.
