out of curiosity

i recorded and mixed this song nearly a year ago and i know what i don't like about the recording, but i was interested in hearing what you guys thought. i don't think it's terrible, but i do think i have improved in many different areas in my musicianship. Anyway, bash away.

hopefully in the next month or so i'll have some new recordings that i'll put up. i just gotta stop being so lazy about setting up the recording stuff :rolleyes:

In a Summer haze - http://soundclick.com/share?songid=7579744
The snare is the most pesky thing about the mix, imo - it just sounds a little mushy.

I like the keyboard parts.

The lazy vocal style sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.

It may just be a matter of retaking the pitchy portions of the performance.

The lead guitar and the extra guitar bits at around 2:45 are a little off-key as well - but the lead is more tolerable.

I think this is a good song.

I like the song, I would have to agree with Supercreep. The first verse sounds off key, but the chorus sounds fine.
