Our music videos are finished...



The music videos have just been finished, im really happy with how they all look.

Anyway - check them out. (if you scroll down - you can view them all after the blog section)


What do you think of them? Also has anyone had any success with music videos? Im trying to think of the best way to promote these videos over the net, has anyone got any ideas or tips?

This is the first time any of my bands have had music videos made and im not quite sure the best way to promote them. They we're originally made to be projected behind us at gigs we play, but they look so good it would be such a shame not to use them to promote my band.

Anyway - im waffling - so give me your thoughts guys. Anything comments or ideas, i'd love to hear them :D
They aren't streaming well for me, but the little bit that I caught was very cool. It's a nice, traditional approach which makes it seem very professional, and it goes well with the music. Good stuff.
I only had time to watch It's All Gonna Catch Up To You. I liked it. Looks pro!
I like at the end when she starts running. It gets intense. Good song too.
I will check out more later. My son and wife are begging me to make some waffles so I gotta go fire up the waffle iron. :D
Glad you guys are liking it. The videos were made by a friend called Alun D Pughe, theres some more of his videos here. www.allstarfriends.com/

Keep your thoughts coming guys, and any ideas on how i we can promote these videos would be greatly appriciated.
I just stuck some more videos on there, C'mon guys i really need a hand here. I have no idea how to promote these videos!

Has NO-ONE promoted a video before?
drummerdude666 said:
I just stuck some more videos on there, C'mon guys i really need a hand here. I have no idea how to promote these videos!

Has NO-ONE promoted a video before?

I'm sorry I don't my friend. I can say that I think the videos are pretty cool. Way better than amateur quality.
If you can, try writing 'em to Vid-CD's; marking em up with the bands name and some info; then throwing'em at the crowd at some gigs; if they catch guitar-pics and drumsticks; this should be a breakthru.
i've done the throwing demo cd thing before. people didn't like getting hit on the head with them.
hahah, good tips.

We're thinking that we'll stick the video for Fake Your Death on they single, and just promote that to the max. Also we're gunna host them with google, youtube, myspace, and every other site i can find that hosts videos.

Way i see it, even if we dont actively promote the videos on Youtube etc and focus on the google ones it can't hurt.
I like your vids. He shot them well and they look very pro. Even the compression is impressive. However, I was losing interest within the first 30-40 seconds. You should feature the band singing/performing more. I dont recall seeing the "band" performing at all. maybe I missed it not sure.

Anyway, go to acidplanet.com and post some suff there.. To get people to see your stuff, take about a day and go through similar videos or songs, and post comments and votes. This way they will most likely return the favor. Once you start getting some popularity, you will start going up on the "hot" list and show up on the front page. Thats where you want to be. You will get noticed there.

Hope this helps.