...OUR DEMO "Washed On Shore"


New member
here's a song we recorded over a weekend last month.
We wrote it ourselves, we threw it together over 2 days recorded and mixed and on CD within 4 days. Very fast, so there is flaws, but it's a demo anyway, what I would be interested in are comments and things to better service a final version of the song we record down the road....

The song is called WASHED ON SHORE and can be found at:


Any suggestions and or overall comments on the song itself are welcomed.

really really quiet.....man i need to turn this up aton...
....pretty decent ..lyrics.....it sounds like soem of the bckgrnd vox might be a bit out of tune....im really bein picky here...lol...like the guitar solo/break......pretty cool lead vox too...nice and grrrrrravelly..cool.....

really just need to hear a "better"...version of this..i like the song......lookin forward to the final product..nice.

hey thanks for listening, ya I am the guitarist and main writier in the band I wrote this one over the summer.

The solo is a first take and is just more or less a raod map of where i may take the final solo....thats the basic idea anyway....

anybody else got some comments on this tune????
Nice tune!

Sounds like a live recording with some stuff added later.
How was it recorded????

As for the tune, the chorus is a little repetitive but your singer has a neat voice. Nice guitar licks and tone! There seems to be no definative bottom end anywhere. Everything sounds hollow. Get the singers voice out front more!!! Needs dynamics of some sort!

Nice start though, keep at it and you will have something really nice!
thanks for listening,

yes, the tune was more or less a live jam, I used very little gear.
We used average mics, Little effects, hardly any EQ.
It took 20 minutes to get a drum sound. We micd the snare with a SM57, a Kick mic i cant remember and some AKG overheads.
A 1960's approach, hell I should have panned them to the left!!!

We set up the drummer and bassist to be recorded live of the floor. Then we overdubbed guitars and vocals.

I didnt have or use a mixer, no EQ, I just more or less used shitty mics with shitty XLR>1/4 convertors plugged into a
Fostex VF-16 direct, vocals too!!!!!!!!!!

Just a quick demo to more or less write the song and get input from people like yourself as to what would make the song and final production better. I plan on using the Fostex only to record drums with next time, then run everything else through my mixer and some outboard gear then into Cubase where I can do further polishing and mastering.

Thanks for the compliments on guitars..I used a Strat and a JCM 800 for the solo, A Les Paul for some ryhthm and a STrat into a JCM 900 Dual Reverb for some cleaner stuff.
We just put a mic in front of the cab and went, no attention to spending more than 10 minutes to get a a sound going.

Maybe the3 CHorus needs more guitars to dress them up...maybe some unison lines between the bass and guitar.
Some volume swells and some slide guityar througha bit of flanging might dress it up a little.

More attention to detail will hopefully attain better results next time we record it...