Other devices through MIDI input?

Dani Pace

New member
I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any other devices (mixers, processors, efx generators etc...) which conect to the midi (joystick) port of a soundcard? I admit I don't know much about midi, I'm just really curious about if the port can be used for other devices, and if it can what types of things they might be? I don't know if it is possible but my curiosity led me to ask some of you guys who understand midi and how it interacts with other components. Thanks in advance.
Well Dani, obviously anything that has midi connections can be used on a gameport using a midi cable attached to it. Beyond that, there were some devices in the '80's using gameport-style cables to access the UART capabilities of a computer. These connections were typically slower than a standard midi signal. I still use a Yamaha MU100 that had that option, but always found it worked better using the actual midi ports. The best thing about using that serial connection was it left your actual midi ports on the device open.