Otari MX505 calibration help

"soldering finesse" huh? I wonder if i should get the parts, pull the cards and find somebody to do replace them for me. i'm not that great with a soldering iron. there's an old tv repair shop next to the building i work at. i bet that dude could solder them in for me. prolly would do it for free to boot...
"soldering finesse" huh? I wonder if i should get the parts, pull the cards and find somebody to do replace them for me. i'm not that great with a soldering iron. there's an old tv repair shop next to the building i work at. i bet that dude could solder them in for me. prolly would do it for free to boot...

It's an idea. A TV repair guy might want something for his trouble, but find a ham radio guy like me in the area and you might get some free help as part of our public service/community relations tradition. :)
I think I have a relay AND a switch problem. SW101 and SW201. Only found one relay on the channel card, looks like RL301. I'm gonna try to clean the relays before I order replacements. I pulled a card and got the relay cover off, it wasn't that hard actually...

Should I consider replacing the switches as well? I'm gonna try some Deoxit first, but if that doesn't do it... is it common to replace these on the channel cards? is it worth it? it looks like there are two on each card.

might even just buy another channel card on ebay for weirdo track #2.
well, can't really afford the $200 it costs for an MRL. The TEAC was a bargain. I'm hoping to get it close, I realize its may be off a few dB. actually, the electronics are a bigger concern at this point...