[OT] maddness! Can I hear the dif between 16/44khz and 32/96?! I'm going insane


New member
Ok, this is it, I'm consult you all! the professionals here. I've been the butt of ridicule from a few of my friends since high school. And I'm sick of it, Ever since I was 17 years old, I've always noticed differences (sometimes big ones) between varying formats, and sample rates of all kinds of music.

I've NEVER been satisfied EVER with 128 mp3s not even vbrs, 192... nah, 256? close, 320, now were talking, even THEN I can still hear loss between a wav and a 320 mp3, but the mp3 is so close its worth it for the size savings.

So most of my mp3 collection is burned at 320, I get teased and taunted about how this is "a waste, and unnessasary" to me its VERY nessasary!

I dont even have state of the art hardware, I'm using a Nvidia Soundstorm motherboard, and a Klipsch promedia 4.1 system, I think it has great sound, not the best but really good. On this setup, anything less then a 320 mp3 sounds a little muddy to me, I can "clearly" hear the differences.

Now, not but an hour ago I exported some wavs out of cool edit pro 2, it was of my bands demo, wich we recorded (with Crappy equipment mind you) at 32/96khz I accidently exported a wav at 32/96, and it was so huge, I didnt know why at first, so I exported a new file, and downsampled it. to 16/44. the file size was back were it should be.

I listend to both files. AND THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE!

So I tell a friend, who proceeds to mock me, and tell me its impossible and its just my exporter/ecoder or whatever, so I do it again, the HUGE 30meg wave of 1:19 of music, sounds AWESOME, the 16/44 one sounds good to, but not NEARLY as precise or as clear. I'm flipping through them right now, its extremely noticeable.

so. set me straight.


I had my ears tested when I was 19, for a job, I scored better then average on both ends of the spectrum, so CAN I FREAKING HEAR THIS? or am I literally so dellusional that I've convinced my ears to interpert the same sound differently?

btw, I have the files right here if anyone wants them...

I'm sick of this argument I want the truth!

*runs off to google*

sorry and thank you!
Most likely not. 'Golden Ears' are a relatively valued commodity.

On a whole 'nuther level, as you may know, only males can be color blind, i.e., they see only two of the three broad color spectrums that most people see. However, there are a rare number of females who can, in fact, see in four spectrums. They can see colors invisible to virtually everyone else.

Must be pretty cool!!!
so what are the possible explanations here, besides of course I'm insane?

I will GLADLY send these files to anyone with equal or greater hardware to listen too, and see if they have similar results, Infact I encourage you to come to my place and check it out!

I'm going to have a hard time letting this go! (as you can tell hehe)
That level of detailed hearing bothers, but yet you accept sound quality recorded on cheap gear? Something is not correlating here......

If you're using low-end gear, the budget converters should have been painful to you long before you ever worried about what format you were going to mixdown to.

So yes - I think you ARE going insane.........
"but yet you accept sound quality recorded on cheap gear? Something is not correlating here......"

Accept and are forced to use are two different things...

I'm sure my gear is crap compared your racks, but its the best I got, if I could afford more, then I would have an even better idea of what is going on here.

Aardvark 24/96's, and a Q10, Shure KSM32, nothing inbetween. not junk, but not pro either.

I uploaded the wavs, for all to hear.


check it out!
Ok, I read this on another forum, this makes sense to me!

"What is it about this that seems to “sound” better? Did our hearing improve? Most likely the reason higher sampling rates “sound” better is due to the filter being placed at a higher frequency and thus moving certain problems such as ringing and phase shifting way outside the range of human hearing. Since the filter is so high it allows for a smoother roll off of the higher end of the frequency spectrum and it is this smoother roll off that is actually producing the sense of “air”, brightness and overall better sound quality we seem to be “hearing”."

could this be a possible answer?
My question still is.... why aren't complaining about it during tracking? You're only commenting on the resolution during mixdown.........
Blue Bear Sound said:
My question still is.... why aren't complaining about it during tracking? You're only commenting on the resolution during mixdown.........

Well during tracking its all done at 24/96, I have no basis for comparasion at this point because everything is at 96khz, Its only during mix down I accidently DIDNT down sample, so I wound up with this freak of a file, that when played side by side, does infact sound more clear, crisp AND brighter.

Did you download the samples and listen to them?