Original song --- LIFT

The drums sound well fake.
The singer sounded further up than the backing track and was maybe just a tad too loud.
The instrument sounds were pretty good.

Good playing.
I found the bass a little boomy during most of the song (not so much in the end instrumental part). The lead vocal didn't sit IN the mix very well, it was more on top of it. The doubled/panned wide vocal sounded weird.
Sounded like the kick was a little thumpy. I didn't think the vocals were too forward. Nice song.
have you tried using a compressor in the master track to glue the vocals and instruments together? If not, might help the vocals to sit better
used a desser? i am guessing not.
I was caught a little off-guard by that tune change around 1:35, but you do have the word "prog" up there, so I shouldn't have been surprised. As far as the song itself... If it were done with real drums, bass and guitar (no synths), played at about 1.5X the speed and with a heavier tone, I think it'd be pretty decent, so I guess I like the song.

Listening on cheap speakers, and with amateur ears... Given the type of music, I actually thought the mix was pretty good. Electronic drums are always bad, but hey, to each his own. The bass seems louder than the guitar, which I normally wouldn't say is good, but it's working here.
Thanks all for the feedback.
Yes, the electronic drums are pretty obvious, but its the best we can do with the budget we have.
I went back to the mastering stage and did some more tweaking.

As far as the vocals go. We did agree to have them up in the mix a bit. I know it isn't a stellar virtuoso type performance, but we are amateurs here. The weird vocal panning during the bridge section was intentional. I don't know why a de-esser was recommended. I didn't hear any sibilance issues, were there any?

I think I killed the thumpiness of the bottom end. I don't mix with a sub woofer so I can't really hear that end of the spectrum. Since it was mentioned though, I decided to listen to this on a system with a sub woofer and you guys were right, it was mud city. So I upped the freq on the HPF. I also went a little more heavy with the overall compression to glue it all together. Any better?

View attachment 021815.mp3

Thanks again
I thought the remix really helped the low end. I still think the bass is too loud. But the low end is better in the second mix. Drums sound like a machine.

I might suggest redoing the vocal. The vocal lacks a little emotion. Like the singer was trying to get through the take - not really nail the tune.

The vocal is dryer than the instruments by a noticeable amount.

You might want to listen to the lead guitar solo in mono to see what happens. There are some fairly thick stereo effects. They might sound bad in mono. Some of the other stereo tricks were somewhat distracting on headphones.
The current version sounds really good to me. The guitar sounds are nice and drive the song quite well the biggest drawback i see on the entire track is the drum sound. I thought the first verse vocals were a little more spoken and could have used another take as well.
Sounds pretty good here.

The drums seem very steady, which kind of gives them away, and there are times when I think the ride is still pulsing during drum rolls and such, so there is quite a bit of room to work on the realism of the drum tracks. Just needs more time and attention.

The guitar tracks that are heavily treated with effects are cool. That is something that I don't hear a lot of in recorded music any more for the most part.

I like the little prog-like breakups and accents. Very late 70's / early 80's rock sort of vibe like maybe a Boston or Max Webster kind of vibe. Nice, I like that. You put a lot of effort into the arrangement and it shows.

Mix-wise, nothing is standing out as out of place.

Nice job. The section from 1:39 - 2:06 is killer.