Original Song - Back to Moving On


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Here it is. Thanks for the comments guys.

EDIT: Please see updated version below.

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Pretty good lyrics. Something about the drums just doesn't work for me. Might be a timing issue also but the levels seem to be a little messy. The seem to get a little better in the end. I guess your using brushes but the kick just sounds awful to me - of course take that with a grain of salt - this isn't really my cup of tea so maybe that's what drums are supposed to sound like in this type of music.

Definitely some timing issues though. Guitar and vocals sound decent, acoustic guitar sounds great.
Hey, thanks for the comments. I am clearly not a drummer, which I think pretty much sums up the issue. Listening again, I think I need to give the drums another shot, or spend a little more time editing or something. You mentioned that the kick drum sounds awful... which is a little confusing, since there isn't one. Its just a snare with brushes. I guess you might be hearing the percussive strumming on the acoustic. I tried to cut most of that out, but couldn't get all of it without making it sound too thin. I will see what I can do with the drums and maybe post an updated version.
Hey I think this is a really great song! To me I feel like it should be just a little bit faster. It seems to be just dragging slightly. Also I'm curious, did you play this to a click? I was getting like 140 bpm at the beginning, and then around 135 in the middle, and 137 at the end. If you didn't play to a click, it might be worth it to give it a try and maybe speed up a few bpm. Like 143? Something like that.

I'm getting critical here, but you might also try setting the electric guitar part a little further back with either reverb or volume, that way the piano can sit a little bit more front and center. And I would totally work on getting the whole snare brushes/acoustic guitar thing matched up better, because it kind of reminds me of a train. And that's awesome given that the song is about moving on. Definitely gives it a moving feel.

I like the vocals a lot! Just a couple spots where you kinda lack energy, but I think that would be fixed if you sped everything up a bit. I usually throw some light autotune on just about all vocals to tighten things up, and I absolutely love lots of compression on vocals. My signal chain usually goes, light EQ, de-esser, compressor, autotune, reverb. I would actually love to mix this song. PM me if that's something you'd be interested in.

Anyways, great song!
So I took a couple more cracks at this. New drums, a new line here or there in the vocal, a different software piano, and overall, a better mix, I think. Any thoughts on the update. I have really spent a lot of time on this, and am trying to get it to sound as good as I possibly can.

Tyler, did you get my PM? Lets figure something out if you still want to take a shot at mixing this.

The high end of the acoustic and the snare seem to take up the same freq range. One or the other would work better with a little 10k or so shine on it. Maybe your rhythm should be a steady 16th pattern instead of the same pulsing pattern as your strums. Chugs a little too much for me without a steady pulse. Not hearing kick drum at all. Your one and three count need maybe a little low end where the kick would be. There is just no low end.