Orginial mbox question missed my point in it's entirety :) First I didn't mentioned ANYTHING about the 001. I did mention Digi's "current" line. Where the 001 was a remarkable turning point for Digi it was NOT the best sounding device they've produced.

The point I WAS trying to make is how many people who have historically swooned over the FOCUSRITE Mic Pre's in the original M-Box.

Good. bad or indifferent the Pre's ARE NOT Focusrite and I'm certain had these Pre's not reached the Holy Grail status of web based wives tales they would not get AS glowing a review.


That's true and I have not had an opportunity to use a Digi 003, which is supposed to have the best preamps yet.

I don't swoon over the Mbox, but I also don't summarily dismiss them when they have fallen out of vogue. They do what they do fairly well. I have never had the opportunity to use the Focusrite ISA series or anything else they make.

