Orchestral Metallica


New member
This is kinda off the topic, and I probably should have posted this elsewhere, but...

Did anyone see Metallica last night (11/17) with full Orchestra backing on VH-1? The purist I am, I thought it was going to be silly, but it was incredible! The arrangement was spectacular, and it really emphasized what great musicians the mighty Met are.

I also noticed oodles of recording gear scattered around during the performance, so I'm betting they'll put in on an LP - I can just see it now, "Metallica back in the garage - with a full orchestra!"
Dang 007, you have been a posting maniac today!
I didn't see the VH-1 thing last night, but L.A. radio has been playing it like crazy.
There is an album due out soon, if it isn't already. It's called "S & M"

not what you think...
stands for "Symphony & Metallica"
