opinions please


New member
here's a tune I helped some friends of mine record, kinda just looking for opinions on mix and stuff...

recorded w/N-track 3.0.2, a delta 1010, sure sm57s and sm58s, seinheissers on the toms...

not much EQ or effects, just parlancer brickwall on the mixdown to keep it from clipping in a few spots...

guess I'm kind of a naturalist or something, don't add much EQ or effects after we record....I think I did add soft knee compression/noise gate after I mix'd it down

welp, lemme know what you think....

http://www.fishbrainrecords.com/seth.htm (site sometimes goes down, keep tryin' if you don't mind (stupid ISP))

I think mix 2 is better than mix 1, but take a listen to both and lemme know what you think


Really liked your mix,vocals rocked.
I'm listening through my p.c. speakers,so take this for what it's worth.
Sounds to me like acoustic guitar needs to come down,bass and drums need to come up, and kill the cymbal hits before the chorus.Mabey a double snare/or tom hit.

Overall sounds real good,just needs to be leveled out.

Hope this helps,
Like the tune,

Just so you know I am by no means a professional, but I will tell you what I think of your mix.

My biggest qualm is the lack of seperation of instruments. The instruments come in the muddier it begins to sound. I like the vocals, but once they come in it seems to take over too much. Maybe you should try messing around with some panning or eqing to get some seperation.

I agree with muzeman for the most part. I think the cymbals would work if they had a better sound. The cymbals need some work. But at least you are using an actual kit, give you mad props for that! ;)

Actually I could see this song going somewhere. Has a definite "Adult-Alternative Top 40" feel to it.

Good Luck man!

well guys thanks for your input...

I agree on the cymbal sounds (the hole drum sound IMHO)...and I think a lot of that is attributed to the fact that I had to use SM57s as overheads b/c I didn't have access to any condenser mics this go around...just not as crisp a sound

I have yet to master EQ, which is why I don't fool w/it...I'll EQ stuff and listen and EQ and listen and I usually end up thinking it sounds better not EQ'd....but I know EQ will help get it seperated and less muddy sounding, I just need to be patient w/myself and learn it...

excuses, excuses :)

thanks again for your input, I'll work on it some more and see what I can do

I agree with everything said here. Sounds pretty good man. I use 57's for overhead and I think they work pretty damn good. I could use a 57 for anything. It's all in the eq man, but I think it's the cymbals. What kind are they? I did post my song up here recently, so you can see what kind of sound I get out of the 57's as far as overheads.

I think the guy had sabians...not positive...

maybe it was just his kit/cymbals...I just blamed it on the 57s (which I love don't get me wrong)...

I recorded my little brother's band a few months prior and we had access to some condensers (Audio Technica I THINK) wasn't sure how good they where but the drums sounded awesome, but maybe the kit/cymbals we used then where just better too....

thanks for the input.
