Opinions on the Trident s40


New member
I have been really interested in hearing peoples opinions on this all-in-one strip lately. Does anyone have any experience with one? Thanks,

Not with that unit in particular... but I have a whole bunch of experience with other stuff made by John Oram [none of it good].

This "Trident" isn't the 'real Trident'... the 'real Trident' was started by Malcolm Toft and Barry Porter, two brilliant engineers... John Oram was a hiring mistake they made a few decades ago who ended up figuring out how to get the rights to use the Trident name.

I would be very wary of his product if I were you.
Wow! Very good to know. Thanks Fletcher. I read your review on the Toft, and am very interested in it, but was disappointed to see that you didn't like the pre's. Are they that bad? What are some other options in that price range (1000-1500) do you recommend? Maybe the Langevin Dual Vocal Combo?


I read the review and got that the pres werent GT Vipre or Great river standards...but ive also heard they compare to Grace 201 from other folks...you have to realize that Flecher uses only the best of the best so he may have expected the pres to be more like the ones he liked from the old trident boards.

Im still thinking of ordering an ATC2 whe I get my settlement...and a Steven Paul mic too if they are out yet.