Opinion on Mixdown

sorry, wasnt thinking clearly when i posted this at 5 in the morning last night.

im posting the mix in a second. :)
I think the lower frquencies are far too overpowering in it.

I know that it's the style of music, but yet its a bit too much even for rap/hip hop.

I think you could use something to balance out the frequencies
I must say though this style isn't really my thing at all, I don't have any experience with it so I might be wrong.

But listening with unbiased ears it seems like it needs a small bit of balance! Anyone else understand what I mean?? hehe
I don't think the low end is too much either.

If you were after a "lo-fi" sound, I think you go it.

I think the mix lacks "sparkle", but you might not WANT "sparkle" in this kind of production. Not being terribly familiar with the genre, I can't comment more than that.
yeah its rap music, but im not going for clubby rap, where it should be very crystally and clear, i want it to have a more old school new york sound, not that hi fi crystally dre west coast sound. hence the low fi. thanks for the feedback.
hehe, funny post, i wanted to reply with a real serious opinion on Mixdowns...
but then i saw² the link

for me the drums miss a little bit of high end...maybe your personal choise,
but i do like the kick and snare, not my favorite sound but they do cut trough the mix, and i've heard hiphop where you just HOPE there's drums but can't really tell what you hear

i've heard alot of underground hiphop and mostly the vocals are crap, here they're OK, volume is good compared with the music i think

so the only thing that i really notice is that you could put some more brightness in the mix,
and i like special FX is this kind of music, but real short,
like one second of "radio voice" on the vocals, or on the drums,
a reversed snare somewhere...
you know, like One Hit effects just for fun, not all the time

but i'm not good in critisizing hiphop since i don't listen to lyrics, only to music, and this is all electronical so i can't say that the guitars suck

not bad :p

...edit= Lofi might not be the word, but Old style yes, indeed, and if thats the sound you're after you're going the right direction !
i'm not into hiphop so i'm wondering where the fill ins, solo's and doubled takes are :p
hey, thanks a lot for the feedback.. what do you mean fill ins ?

a guitar solo would be funny! you never really hear guitar solos in rap.. like NEVER, so it would be kinda cool! :D