One More Time...Hey Dachay !

bob young

New member
Actually, country music is a great love of mine...but not my only love.

this is a song I wrote for a play here in Chicago in the mid-70s.

Some old friends from the club scene who had "moved on" pitched in to help me out with the horns.

the horn section has probably 100 million records sold between all of them..

Can you guess who they are ?

A hint....the trumpet player was not in the same group as the other guys..

This tune was the product of a flirtation I was having with Latin music at the time..

No midi or machines on this one..

that's me doing the male voices..the ladies are jingle singers from Chicago..

I'm a guitar player, apretty good one at that..but that's not me playing guitar on my own damn song !

Turn it up !
I hear the yrs in this. The fidelity is fab. Music flows like they all have ridden clik tracks for eons. pitches are all in the pocket. horns, well damn, anybody would have drool runnin down the chin after standin in front. 'Hat`s off to ya Bud!!

If I had any kind of nit it would be wanting to hear a bit more envelope on the toms on that last drum expression at the end. But hell, the touch more than compensates..
Thanks Toki...

Yeah.....if I was to add up the years of experience in this session....yikes...

A lot of years (and click tracks ) and records too !

thanks again..

bob Young
Bob - I'll see if I can check this out over the weekend. Still working around my dial-up issues. (I really should get cable, but I'm a cheap bastard who'd rather spend the money on liquor. :) )
bob young said:
Actually, country music is a great love of mine...but not my only love.
Personally this one also has a country flavor to me. Not hard core, but I'd still put it in the country-rock category.

Quite nice. Well written, well arranged, and well performed. The backup vocals are impeccable, and someone really knows their way around a trumpet.

I could also tell from your voice that you were a *tad* younger when this was performed. :D

Well done, Bob. Thanks for passing it along.
Thanks Dachay..

The trumpet player is Jack Kramer..
Jack played the trumpets on every Ohio Player hit from Skin Tight to Roller Coster.

He also did the horn arrangement along with Pankow and Wally who were nice enough to join in.

I must say you're the first person to ever suggest this had a "country" feel...

What country are you referring to ?

I wasn't a "tad" younger..

I was about 28 years younger !

thanks for the listen
