One man Band???..........Any chance of getting signed??


New member
Hi, I have been doing a solo project here lately. I have laid down all the drum tracks,guitars,vocals,etc. Do i got any chance of getting some kinda deal if I can't perform live without hiring other musicians??? Are a lot of labels critical to solo artist???
Any suggestions???
If your not gonna ever play live, how are you gonna gain a fan base. Do you have a relative that is the president of label? I don't really know how to answer your question throughly other than to make a few points on the info you gave....

Your Options:

1.) Market and promote your music by getting it reviewed in e-zines, magazines, and any other means then get the CD in stores in those areas. Good record sales will get you a deal cuz you are established....

2.) Understand that labels don't care about the music (how good it is) as much as they do on how many fans will purchase it. With that said get yourself a fan base that doesn't care your a solo artist and accept the fact thats there isn't a band backing you with the instrumentals. If there is a market out there they will surely wanna tap into it if its shows strength.
Ahh... the impact of the home midi studio. I love being a one man band. (Don't we all?) Bottom line is this, YES you can get signed if your music is good. You'll just need to hire some musicians to play live. No big deal. Name a solo artist who doesn't do this? But like the majority of us do it your selfers, getting a "real" record contract is about as likely as winning the lottery. Only, winning the lottery will actually get you money! :)

Depending on your age, I would think you would have a better chance if you are younger. Older guys like me, well, I realize my only chance is to get signed by a small indie label, have some fun, sell a few dozen cds.

My advice be it good or bad, is to make a few demos. Probably about 5 songs. Try to get signed by a local indie studio. Get your first cd out there. Use it as a business card to bigger and better deals. Hire some local musicians to play your tunes at local clubs. If you're good, things will happen, eventually. But you will need to market yourself effectively.

Get educated how the music biz works. If you're in it for the long run it will be well worth the research.
Thanx for the Help

Good approach misterx, and u too grec. Yeah, i realize its a one in a million chance, but i'm willing to risk it all. And i'm in it for the long haul, till i'm old and grey, ................or old and dead..


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Just sending in demo's is a one and a million shot.

If you actually go out and play and get good reviews and a following and a web site and of course a CD then you start to become a Local Talent.

Any label is going to want to see you live to see how the crowd reacts. Your better off if you have even 50 fans to come and make some noise. 1000 is obviously better.

Most solo artists work clubs and coffee houses and record their own CD's for 10yrs before making it over night. The only people who make it big early are beautiful people that some big producer is pushing.

Unless you are a hot 17 year old you should stick to plan B ;)
"Unless you are a hot 17 year old you should stick to plan B "

If that's the case, I can make you a star! I'll pick you up at the bus station.:D
"Any label is going to want to see you live to see how the crowd reacts."

I would disagree on that statement. There have been plenty of bands/artist that get signed and release cd's and never tour. Alot of the one hit wonders never toured. Good music can get you signed...youth, looks AND talent can make you a star.
David Gray has been touring steadily for years. He put out his own albums on an indie label. He got his 'lucky' break by meeting Dave Mathews who eventually released David's home recordings on his own indie label.

He is a prime example of working your ass off to succeed.
prime example all right

Yep, he gigged forever with little success...but he was dumb enough to keep doing it and eventually had a hit.

Persistence is %110 of what it takes to make it. His music is slightly unique and catchy but I 've heard much bettter on this bbs. It's all about how hard you work and promote yourself. Being talented helps though...I hope.
Isn't Mobby a solo artsist doing pretty good? I think so.

I don't like his music style that much but I like the way he makes music.

If you really have a hit song I don't see why you couldn't make a website, and a video for the song... then go to a local "much music" and ask to play ur video... wouldn't it be a good way to get success? Maybe I'm just beeing ignorant tho... but thats the way I see it.

You have to actually HAVE something great to get known... once you have that little something, I don't see why you wouldn't get any success.

after all, a hit song is a hit song... lots of ppl will like it. so the more you "play it" the more you get known.

I dunno... I'm new to those things but thats the way I see it for now.