On Our Own.mp3

well...your stuff did get me interested to listen to a third song of yours now. gotta trim those silence(hiss filled) sections at the beginning before the music starts.

this one doesnt seem to have quite the fidelity as the others, but is a pretty decent tune in its own right with very nice singing. Not sure what to say about the canned drums.. yeah...I like the singing alot....and all the synths. Seems to lack a bottom end to it...that's the fidelity issue with me. Very melodic and a great two note gtr lead...really! almost twice as good as Neil Youngs ONE note gtr leads!!:p Very nice tunage. reminds me of upbeat, current sounding ABBA meets Fleetwood Mac, kinda thing....and that's good.
i like i like...where's my glass top table, it's time to dress in my 70's get up and rail lines all night. great voice on the lady. i'm pretty sure this won't swing in the modern consuming ear, but i liked it...the drums take away from song. to give this piece the life it needs, REAL DRUMS! the mix is good. levels sound and feel balanced. those drums though, damn, they gotta go. :)
heh... believe it or not, the snare and toms *are* real drums. I went back and re-did it but it sounded exactly the same... here's the instrumental with the original drums.

Man that was a cool. Very nice feel. I thought the drums sounded alright for the most part. Cymbols and tom fills sounded pretty weak. I agree dead-on w/ Mixmakr's artist comparison.