OMG, but its fixed I think.....


New member
Ok heres what happend, I used the effects processor in the 2480 on both the keyboard and drum tracks. I thought the tracks were recorded in stereo, but they werent. They were only recorded to 1 track which would explain the why the key sound was heavy on one side. I doulbed each vocal track and masterd them BOTH to a wet stereo track to bring up the effect without losing the clear tracks. here is the result, thanks to all for your input, hope this one is better!

Tell me
You Don't Suck

Hey man. Pretty nice, I think. I can't be trusted on this next comment, b/c the...well, nevermind...just understand that I could be wrong. "The Vocals Seem Pretty Hot" to me. I heard some flatties in there, but I think you know that. How come you never ask hillbillies like me to sing your songs? I have no hesitation whatsoever in asking YOU to help me out. (thanks again, btw).

Rock On,
heh chris

Do you have any idea how insanely hard it would be to sync a vocal track. I dont use smpte or midi clock yet.... I dont know you want me to send you a mp3 of the tune with no vocals? You think your tough enough Hill billy? haha If you cant do it, ask your daughter (o_O)
Listened to Tell Me

Very swirly phaser-type effect on the keys. like this song is swimming in phase. not bad, just a taste choice. Was it not as present in the first mix?

and as for the vocal flatty alert,

1:11, (connected by love)
2:53 same line

1:20 (And you are me)
3:01 same line

not so good. must fix...

now for good vox.
I lost where it is but the vocal line
(gone too deep...)

I liked that vocal harmony part.

I think you need more vocal takes. I think you can do it vocally but this is just not finished.
The guitar solo is better than good.

Drums seem very tinny and unexciting to my ears. The kick sounds fine but not terribly emotional. But then, I think everyone's drums should sound like Atlantic Soul so what do I know.

good effort.

Re: heh chris

Sigma9 said:
Do you have any idea how insanely hard it would be to sync a vocal track. I dont use smpte or midi clock yet.... I dont know you want me to send you a mp3 of the tune with no vocals? You think your tough enough Hill billy? haha If you cant do it, ask your daughter (o_O)
Hell yeah...If I have to put up with your totally annoying fuzztone on my tune, you have to put up with my nasally vox on yours! It's only fair, man!!!

Actually, I'd love to take a crack at it....especially the harmonies. If you can post a version of it with no vocals on your site at a pretty high bit rate, (call it "whatever"), I'll grab it tonight and take a shot.
About the sync

You may not have to worry about it. Get your music mix the way you want it, then I'll just throw vox on top of it and mix it. Then you can just tell me "Turn the Vocals Down" and I can mail ya' a CD with the full mix and seperate vocal tracks so you can do with them what you want. I don't even know what a midi clock is, so I don't think it matters :D
I suppose this mix is better... but not by much. It is basically a mono mix now, in my opinion..with the occasional bg vocal poking out on the left side.

I'd redo the singing too and fix the mentioned mistakes.

still like the gtr leads though...