Old Vinyl To CD


New member
I have been archiveing my vinyl collection and turning them into cd's. I have been approaced by several other person's to do the same for them for hire. If I am receiving pay for this I understand that it is not legal. In trying to do the right thing I have tried to contact labels OLD DEFUNCT LABELS at that with no success artists the same beings most of the vinyl in question is 50's 60's and early 70's with no re-release's in cd format. How can I Legaly do this does some one know of a site or even info. I have a copy of the Audio Home Recording Act already and trying to follow that with the contact stuff but what the hell do you do with a band that produced 2 albums in 1967 all members are deceised record label no longer exists and no one know's who has the right's to their music. Beings that contracts are no longer available. What to do
I may be way off base here and if I am, there may be someone else here that can correct me.

Based on the Home Recording Act, if you purchase music, you have the right to make copies of that music for your own personal use.

Now with respect to what you are wanting to do, you would be selling a service, not the music. You would be taking music that someone already owns, and transfering it to another medium. If what you recorded is given right back to your customer, the music itself has not changed hands.

If however, you make additional copies and either keep them, sell them, or give them to others, you will be in violation of the Home Recording Act.

A note to others: If I am incorrect in this, please post your responce so that we do not lead our friend astray.

It Seems JC that you may be correct in this assumption. There is another act dated 1977 that is pretty interesting also. It Says that you can reproduce for sale any artist as long as you have made attempts in writeing to both the record label and artist as long as you retain a 15% withholding of every copy sold. What a kicker that one is no wounder the music industry is haveing so many problems with bootleg stuff. Note this only applies to music produced before the act of 1988 which superceeds the act of 1982. I am planning on starting to reproduce copys of old albums that are owned by private indivduals for their own private use. I will not keep a copy, I may collect $200, I won't go to jail. Thanks for the reply

Hello, all.

I also have an extensice record collection which I don't listen to because I can't be bothered to hook up my turntable every time I want to hear a record (limited space in my room). How does one transfer the audio from Vynil to cd?

Will C.:cool:

You can record your old vinyl to CD by hooking up a preamp from your record player to your Line in 1/8 mini jack on your sound card. You will need some basic recording sofware for this. If you have a turntable that is already preamp'ed you can hook it up straight to your sound card using adapter plug's bought at your local stereo shop or radio shack or something like that. If you don't want to do this you can also try something like this. Get a headphone extension cord long enough to go from your stereo to your computer with a 1/4 for your headphone jack and a 1/8 female on the other end. Then get a 1/8 1/8 each end male cord hook that into your sound card you can leave it in so you don't have to keep unpluging it. WARNING""" Your volume must be set low enough for recording this way you could damage your sound card if it is too high. So set vol a little below 1 to start. Open up your soundcard's media controls and select line in recording. If you don't care what it sounds like and want to just put it to cd you can download the free version of MusicMatch Jukebox and it has a recorder that will record wav files. It also has a help file to get you started.
Not to get off topic, but..

Do any of you know of any free programs where you can record a whole side of vinyl, and then seperate and name the tracks? I have a soundcard with the RCA imputs on the front of my pooter, but I hate having to try to stop the recorder really quick after each song is over, and then starting it again. Thanks for any help.
