Old Songs


New member
I have a collection of a few songs that I would be willing to sell the lyrics to.
Is there a chance I could get anything worthwhile for these?

When your consenting motivation......... ;)
Consenting Motivation

I'm not sure what this ones worth but I could give you a taste of it if it's something you'd like.
I have a differen't writing style :)
Honestly, a set of lyrics and $1.50 might get you a cup of coffee (well, not at starbucks). If you get anything worthwhile I'll be surprised. That's no insult to you as a writer, it's just that creating is the easy part. Getting your creations into a scenario to make some money, that's the real trick...
Same old song

I heard that before when I advert..For Philosophical LYRICS.
Yeah. There worth a dime a dozen :)
i'm working on a new album, so these could come in handy. e-mail if u can with uncopyrighted .docs also and we'll c what becomes.
Rock Star 87 said:
i'm working on a new album, so these could come in handy. e-mail if u can with uncopyrighted .docs also and we'll c what becomes.

Yeah, send me your songs, and make sure they're uncopyrighted, and if I happen to tell you that I'm going to use them on my album, we can probably work out some monetary compensation for you....MAYBE.