Old guy thinks 'modern rock not crap' shock!


New member
This is really just a pick-up from the overrated guitarists and songwriting threads in other forums, so feel free to ignore.

I am 39 years old and grew up listening to Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Robin Trower,Thin Lizzy,Wishbone Ash,Lynryd Skynryd etc. From that list you can tell that I played in hard rock bands in the late seventies/early eighties until I had to 'get real' and do proper work, grow up - you know the sort of thing. I lost interest in rock music once I stoped playing in bands and I am like a fossil, all my musical references stop in about 1985 and what happened between then and now in rock I have no idea.

The thing is that as you get older, you end up working with younger people and the kid I work with at the moment has introduced me to a whole different bunch of music that I thought would be total crap, but which I find myself listening to and liking, almost despite myself.
I admit it: I like Creed,Everclear,The Stone Temple Pilots,Soundgarden(in particular, I would love to see them live)Cast,Wheatus et al. I don't mean that I like everything by these bands, but then I never liked every song that my old heroes put out either. I still don't get Rage Against the Machine, LimpBizkit,Slipknot and others of their ilk because I like the guitar to sound like a guitar,not a building site.

It may have been different in the states, but in Britain during the seventies there was REAL crap all over the place - the charts were dominated by stuff like The Bay City Rollers,The Osmonds (you think BoyBands are new?)disco crud like Boney M and Barry White, and terrible wimpy pseudo soul from Tramps,Stylistics,O'Jays,Tavares etc. There was hardly a guitar to be heard anywhere, sure there was the Police and Squeeze and a few others, but I am here to tell you - there was NO golden age back then, and 'real' rock music existed in the same ghetto that it does now, with next to no national airplay and you found out what was good or bad by actually having to buy the damn things unheard, or through recommendations from friends.

Sorry this is taking so long, but I think a lot of you are being pretty harsh in your judgements - yes Mark Tremonti is not the best guitarist in the world, but he plays in a band that has had seven no:1 singles in less than three years, playing the kind of music that would have been regarded as 'underground' a decade ago. I've never seen him say that he regards himself as a guitar god, but only he and a certain Mr Santana play signature edition PRS guitars - maybe this is the source of the antagonism- we slave away for years, honing our playing and songwriting skills for no reward or recognition and than a bunch of punks with no 'technique' playing simple derivative tunes start cleaning up. How fair is that? Well maybe these guys just wanted it more than we did, and were lucky that the style of music they play suddenly became fashionable, but please don't put them all down as 'crap' until you tell me what you are comparing them to, because as I said above I have heard genuine crap and it ain't Creed.
I know what you're saying. I'm a little younger than you (35), but had a much older brother, so I grew up on Hendrix, The Who, The Doors, The Stones etc. I still dig all that stuff and have played it for years in various bands, but I can appreciate a lot of the new stuff that's out there. I'm not really into Creed, but hell, at least they're playing instruments themselves and writing all their own material, its not all dance moves and lip-synch or glorified karaoke. I'm afraid you may not get to see Soundgarden (great band) as they have been split up for awhile, but there are rumours circulating about their lead singer (Chris Cornell) possibly fronting.....wait for it.....Rage Against the Machine. We'll just have to wait and see. Back to the topic at hand, though, it seems like I keep saying it to a lot of different folks, but we are in grave danger of becoming our parents. A lot of the genetic parts are essentially unchangeable, but the more we just dismiss everything that kids listen to, the further we slide down the slippery slope into fogeyhood. Yeah, some of (wait, LOTS of) recent music simply blows goats, but there's a lot of good new music being made if we care to dig a little deeper than the vacuous surface schlock and the veneer put on it by the record industry.

the kids are alright...

Thats gotta be some kinda joke about Cornell fronting Rage Against the Machine... i mean even as a speculative rumour it sounds absurd! It aint April 1st yet mate......
Well, I'll agree with you that much of today's music isn't really my style, though Soundgarden does rock...but damn that Britney Spears is hot.
Im just getting to the point where Ill listen to bands from the past few years...thanks to some of the people here, my musical tastes are expanding quite a bit.....and speaking of taste, Britney...yummy...
The bands mentioned all sound like early 90s,so our Limey friend still has some catching up to do.After alternative and grunge or whatever (gringcore thrash...) it seems the girlies muscled in, like fiona apple,natalie merchant,cheryl crow ad nausium.
I'm a player from the days of yore,Beatles,Stones,Who etc.And you usually automatically like what was popular when you were a kid.But I just saw that Ken Burns Jazz series on PBS recently,and I have to admit how hip and musically sophisticated that whole scene seemed.
It makes you wonder when aging Blues guys,classical guys,jazz guys all seem so dignified while aging rockers like Mick and Steve Tyler seem like caricatures of their youth.Oh well...

One Louder,
That absurd "speculative rumour" came out of the mouth of none other than Tom Morello, interviewed before the Grammies, I think it was. I think he said that they had been playing together and that it was "promising" or something like that.

exactly that effedstrat. though it didn't work out, too bad, imagine cornell and morello together... oh man i gotta go to the bathroom for a minute...;)

No Offence Mr Hicks

Tom, I just heard some Linkin Park stuff and I think that's pretty cool - and recent <g>. We all want our favourite bands to be recognised for the greatness we percieve in them, even if they sell ten copies of each cd. Frankly, I am amazed that The Smithereens are not massive, simple,catchy tunes sung in a distinctive style and played in glorious unaffected classic guitar rock style, except for unnecessary long solos. They also have a pretty cool image (to me) yet you cannot easily find any of their stuff over here, and I don't believe that they are flavour of the month in the states either, although I am open to correction on this.

So? Well, the point is that they DO release albums, as do Vai,Satriani,Johnson,Johnny Lang,Kenny Wayne Shepherd,Frank Gambale and a guy called Jon Butcher who I had never heard of, but his stuff is on NetRadio's Guitar Heros Channel, (as is the very wonderful Cub Koda) so I presume he makes a living,at least. Forget about the charts, apart maybe from the sixties, there has always been 90% dross amongst chart music. There are still a hell of a lot of great musicians making great music and releasing albums out there, so who cares if they aren't having top forty hits - most of the bands I loved twenty years ago wouldn't recognise a hit single if it bit them on the ass, and it never made any difference
Hi Vease
Didn't mean to tweak you.Welcome aboard.If you want to see some thin skins,check out the flame war on Oktavia mikes!
I accept your general premise that 90% crap/10% good stuff (or maybe 99/1) in pop music.I play in a classic rock band and we are always looking for modern material to add to the set list.

Hey Tom, add 'Behind The wall of Sleep' and 'A girl Like you' by the Smithereens to your repertoire and I might even fly over to see your band <g>.

Over here it is VERY tough to find any small venues (pubs/clubs) where a classic rock band could play and draw a crowd - how are things where you are?
The Smithereens were semi-popular over here about ten years or so ago and I played those tunes in the cover band that I was in at the time. (cool stuff, trying to play "Girl Like You" while singing it is a mother, though). John Butcher was also semi-popular about the same time. Kinda Hendrixy guitar with Michael McDonaldish voice (think sorta "Takin' it to the Streets era Doobie Brothers for the voice). Unfortunately he was a little too derivative of Hendrix (for years his band was called John Butcher Axis, and he played strats and wore headbands). The tune "Wishes", while totally a Hendrix rip, is still pretty cool. I love to play rhythm guitar in that style.

I'm from Ft Worth,Texas and we have a thriving local music scene.Rock,blues,jazz even classical.
Here's a link to my band page with streaming audio.


All recorded live,usually off the board to cassette so caveat emptor...

Isnt "Behind The Wall Of Sleep" a Black Sabbath song?

Aaaaaanyway... Effedupstrat I meant no slight towards yourself but was just a little taken aback by the prospect! Never woulda put Cornell together with Rage in my head and so was a little surprised by the prospect is all. Pleasantly surprised. But my hopes have been raised and dashed all in the same thread *sniff*.

Actually talking of Black Sabbath rumour has it they are recording a new album with the original lineup... (thats purely speculative... a friend of a friend told me!! :P)
Well if the two newly recorded tracks on the Sabbath Reunion live CD are anything to go by and the Ozzy/Iommi collaboration on Iommi's solo album it should hopefully be a little of the ol' Sabbath Magic.

Im looking forward to the prospect immensely!
The really sad part is that I never seem to have the time to devote to wading through lakefuls of crap to get to the good stuff. When I was eighteen, I did, and found all the great stuff.

Once in a while, I come across something on the radio and it's great - but who is it? God knows, but at least it's happening. I remember one tune by the Gin Blossoms that was really good, and also one by the Foo Fighters (great name, too ;) )

... and yes, the kids are alright.

As for becoming our parents - we have.

Hip Hop is what's happening and I find myself saying the exact things my Dad said all those years ago - "It isn't music, it's noise" "They look like idiots" "I can't understand a word they're saying" etc.

... and the beat goes on!

...and Tom, the reason all those jazzers seem really sophisticated is because they were really sophisticated - just try and play yer basic (catatonic) pentatonic blues weedling over some of those changes - you'll be very embarrassed very quickly.
The reason Mick and Steven et al seem like caricatures is because pop music has no intrinsic value and a very finite shelf life. Great jazz or blues or classical is always going to have value - pop music is a throwaway product, like the 'artists' who perform it.

To Foo and Tom H, Hi guys, I agree a lot with you both have to say. But, here is another twist. Music and art are not sports which means you don't have to be young to be good or excellent at what you do. Usually, if you are true to your instrument and practice faithfully and remain in good health, you should improve with age. If someone is a virtuoso at twenty or twenty five, how much better will that person be at fifty? On the same token, how much more do you know now verses ten or twenty wears ago? With respect to young people: they have the drive and the guts and stamina. With respect to the old: They took that drive, guts and stamina and refined it . I also think "rock" music is geared for the young and that is why older rockers look out of place on stage. On the other hand, jazz and classical music is seemed to be more accepted by older musicians. I'm not going say music was better in my day. Good music will be accepted by anyone who knows the difference no matter what age they are. God bless the young and old, they both have something to say...Later, Den
I'm 42 and also weened on a diet of Kinks, Who, Stones, Hendrix into Aerosmith, Mott The Hoople, Bowie, Zeppelin...always big on the Brit rock back then...and now I have trouble listening to that stuff. I rarely grab it to listen to it (though I can still stick on The Who and enjoy it). I actually turn off Stairway to Heaven if it comes up. Really it comes down to a few albums or songs that I can still listen to 25 years later. (Ziggy Stardust still works, too.)
I have made a conscience effort to diversify my listening and also to keep up on what's current. I try to figure out what stations play what and check it out when I can. I have two daughters, big on Backstreet, Spears, Aaron Carter...whatever the radio Gods/Disney Channel feeds them. The kids are pretty adept at picking out the lip syncing, but they enjoy the music, so I'm won't come down TOO heavy. SO, I'm up on the pop scene.
As for the current stream of Alternative (for lack of a better word) as put by someone else I hear a song I like here or there and if I'm in the car long enough I might find out who it is, but no group in general really grabs me. I think because it is all a bit redundant, the songwriting and lyrics are old (for we who have heard it all already). I have enjoyed Sarah McLachlan, Fiona Apple...some soulful women at work.
I have found I enjoy are groups like Portishead, Massive Attack, Hooverphonic...a lot of Downbeat (as I have had it refered as). I also enjoy such groups as International People's Gang, Woob, Global Communication, Polygon Window (song or group, I'm not sure)...these are ambient in nature. Thank the powers that be for internet radio, it does alot for the listening pallet. Unfortunately, playlists are not always available.
I do appreciate is the products of our digital age. The sampling, the production...heard, by chance, a techno driving beat with samples of Zeppelin's " Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" over it. It worked! (for me). I can appreciate that more than hearing a band that reminds me of Zeppelin.
I have NO interest in 70's bands that continue touring, original line ups or not.

My personal writing style is headed toward ambient, interest in Minimalism.
Still have a few regular ol' pop songs in me , though.

So, this old man is trying to stay in touch. I try not to be too judgemental in what anyone puts out (i.e. the current Eminem flack). If you don't like it, don't listen too it.