Oktava MK-219/319 & Studio Projects B1/C1

Big Cadillac

New member
I have been recording band practices using an MK-219 and MK-319. These have been working well but I'm getting the itch to try something new. I've noticed that the SP mics have a wider freq response. Would experimenting with a SP B1 or C1 make that much of a difference compared to the Oktava's?
Yes, they are a stereo pair. The mics are in the band room feeding into a Firepod and PC. I'm using Cubase LE for recording/mixing at the moment and Wavelab Essential to modify further (e.g. compress) and burn to CD.
Big Cadillac said:
I have been recording band practices using an MK-219 and MK-319. These have been working well but I'm getting the itch to try something new. I've noticed that the SP mics have a wider freq response. Would experimenting with a SP B1 or C1 make that much of a difference compared to the Oktava's?

The C1 is going to give you about 6dB more 12KHz and will have less lower midrange presence than the stock Oktavas. The Oktavas have a wider cardioid pattern than the C1 so they hear more room sound than the C1 when used at the same distance. Another way of expressing it would be that the C1 is going to sound more focused from the same distance. The C1 is transformerless while the Oktavas use an output transformer that imparts some color.

So switching to something like the C1 is going to give you quite different sounding room recordings.
You might want to consider selling the 219 and getting another 319. It's a better mic, and even an unmatched pair of 319s is going to give you a lot better stereo image than a 219/319 pair. You'll probably lose a few dollars in the transition, but not much. I like the 319, it's not hyped like the C1.