Oktava Mics : MK-012s + MKL2500

I bought an octava 2500 for fifty bucks .I love the mic but sometimes like all tube stuff its bitchy, this mic is upredictable sometimes it sounds great other times it makes all kinds of noise.any how I know where you can find one of those cables . tell the guy your situation and he might sell you one. he bought
a bunch of the mics and I think he tried to sue guitar centers so he has a couple of the fake 2500.his #is 319-331-6030 or try octavausa.com
did you buy it at the coasta mesa store by chance .
I almost bought that one to but did not.best thing to do is buy that friggin
power supply for two hundred dollars.then you would have an eight hundred
dollar sound . those chines power supplies suck ass
MKL-2500 power supply

The problems with the power supply & cable are in the execution, not design. I've fixed assembly and / or shipping related grounding problems in both Russian and Chinese-built MKL-2500 supplies. Both of them work equally well if they are properly constructed, survive shipping or are repaired.

There a couple of common problems:

1.) Mic-to-suppy cable has poor or non-existing grounding of XLR shell to sheild. Many of the XLR connectors are painted black on the inside of the shell. This prevents the barrel of the connector from grounding securly to the inside of the shell and leaves just a poor grounding connection via the barrel screw. I grind off the the paint from the inside of the shell and use a more robust and not-painted barrel screw.

2.) Power supply ground is often poor. Signal ground and power ground are kept separate in the mic and only brought together in the powersupply. I have seen powersupplies where the connection between signal ground and power ground is loose, missing or has high resistance.

With good mic cable grounding and good power supply signal / power grounding either version of the supply will work fine.