Ok this is my first time so please be gentle!!

Randy5235, all I can get is this message from that url...

"We're sorry, but we can't supply the file you requested."

Oh, I understand now...gotta join the thing...but it won't let me do that either.....hassle...gibs

[Edited by gibs on 10-08-2000 at 19:24]
I'm having trouble getting to it too Randy, not sure what the deal is.

I'll try again.

Ray J
I only got the first minute of it (some kind of error..) but that part sounds really good. I like the way the guitars sound together.
There are parts where the lower sounds are a little bit boomy, but then they fix themselves. i don't know if the song was already like that, or if my computer is butchering it.
Are there vocals or drums after the first minute?
sounds good!
no right now its still just guitar and bass,I was wondering if perhaps there was too much reverb on it?also the first 15 seconds or so are just a little bit louder than the rest and you can hear it drop out a little,not sure how that happened yet,thanks for the input
Anyone else having trouble listening to this?let me know please! i'm stuck at work and our firewall/proxy completely blocks my site so I dont really know whether or not there is anything wrong,suck
Sorry I had to update my site and add a link so that it wasnt an anoymous link to a file :( oh well it should work now, thanks for the heads up!!!,Randy5235
turn up the vocals and lay off the autotune dude. and put a mic on that acoustic. it sounds so direct. i think you should mic the guitar with the not yet release studio projects mics. i highly recommend them.

and the drums sound like shit!
erichenryus said:

and the drums sound like shit!
That was pretty funny erichenryus.

I was scrolling through this thread, and thinking to myself. "Hrm, Gibs has never listened to one of MY tunes...neither has "Ray J" or "Randy 5235,"....


I'm sure they're all dead now, lol.
actually i've listened to quite a few of your tunes....I think they're pretty dammed good to. wish i wrote more....On a side note I recently lost the song in question... it gone.prolly forever guess i should have made more than one backup.