ok, so I decided to spoil myself...


New member
I was ordering hard drives from newegg for my recording computer I'm building, and I had decided to go with Seagate since a buddy of mine recommended them to me. I was going to go for one 20 gig (OS) hard drive and one 40 gig (audio) hard drive but I didn't see any Seagate 20 gigs on newegg. Then I did a comparison of price using a similar brand between how much a 20 gig and a 40 gig hard drive would run. It later turned out that for only $6 more I could get 2 40 gig Seagate hard drives so that's what I went with. Now I'll have more hard drive space than I'll know what to do with. :o Although I was thinking, since I went this route perhaps I could create a dual boot system with 2 20 gig partitions on the OS drive...that way I could designate one partition for my music and the other for normal PC use. Might I add, I'm very anal with hard drive space so I doubt I'd ever fill one of these drives up...except perhaps the audio drive. And yes, the Seagate drive is 7200RPM...so both my OS and audio drive are 7200RPM. This sounded cool to you guys? Anything else I should know?
The dual boot is an excellent idea...I do it...and strip down the recording OS from all the garbage and eye candy. Also disable components that are not needed.
I dont know how well the seagates perform, but I went with 2 80gig WD's with the 8mb buffer.....they smoke !!;)
Possible Riad configuration?

Do you have an onboard RAID chip on your mobo? You can run them with raid 0 and it would show up as an 80 gig drive, and you'd get a 30% speed increase.

Say you had two 40gb 133 mh drives running with RAID 0, it would show up as one 80 gig, at 176.89 mb....


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If you're useing XP the windows update doesn't allow for dual boot unless you have two licenses :P

XP is probably the first OS that you really should read your license agreement as it's really restrictive... want to use print shareing on a lan with more than 10 other computers? too bad. Wanna use it as a webserver? too bad... wanna use three processors? too bad

notice you can only buy NT based OS's now?

I'm really hoping that my last purchace of XP will last me until linux is competitave in the audio market :P