Ok, New Monitors chosen, but need input between 2 kinds


New member
Aight, im either getting M Audio BX 8's OR Behringer Truths B2031A . Out of these 2 Which would you say are best. I've seem The BX 8's and they look nice, will get to listen to em soon too. but i wont get to listen to the Behringers at all cause ill be gettin em online if im getting em.
So come on! give me hand
I just bought the 2031A's from GC on special order. I have a comparison on another thread in this link:


I would definitely go for the 2031A monitors. The Tannoy Reveals are a passive monitor. Which defeats the purpose of what your wanting. (Not to mention the blah reviews they've received.) I've heard the M-Audios, and i'd stick with the Berry's.

Blind Cowboy...
Get the Truths they're just fine , they translate well, and you'll save two hundred bucks. I compared them with the BX8 when I was shopping and deffinitely thought the truths were more honest. Try to forget about the Behringer name on it and remember thier slogan "Just Listen".
This is exactly the stuff i wanna hear. Size wise is there a difference between the Behringers and the M Audios? The BX8's were kinda big but to be honest i kinda liked em bigger. The Behringers a similar size?
The behringer's are about the same size and they wiegh a fucking ton! Actually the berrys hav a 8and 3/4 inch LF driver while th BX8 have an 8. But hey, size does'nt matter :D