Ok, how 'bout this...


New member
If money was no object, what mic(s) would you buy for your new studio?
Drum mics excluded. I'm talkin' old, new, whatever. Leaning toward Vocals and Acoustic Inst. What's that one mic you want but just can't afford? Or find? Or the ones you've used and love. Hmmmm.....?
Dreeeeaaaam...dream dream dreeeeaaam. When I want you...(telefunken u47) in my arms, whenever I want you (km 86) and all your charms...whenever I want you (blue bottle) all I have to do is dreeeam dream dream dreeeeeeaam...
Yea, speaking of the bottle, I think I'd pretty much have to go with almost the entire line of BLUE mics, particularly the Bottle.
chessrock said:
Yea, speaking of the bottle, I think I'd pretty much have to go with almost the entire line of BLUE mics, particularly the Bottle.

The high end BLUE mics - Bottle, Kiwi, sound awesome but their build quality is far lower than the opinion of some reviewers - for some strange reason. They look big, colourful and sturdy but feel light, fragile, the one I borrowed had glue marks near the logo too.

I guess we're lucky that sound is the most important thing and it reinforces the fact that it can help to research 'facts' or 'opinions' (specs, graphs, reviews) but also if we are on any sort of budget we need to use our own ears before buying and decide what is most important for ourselves!