OH GOD more country! ;-)


New member
Just finished the Overdubs and ReMix for "Little Feet" I think its close to finished. *NOTE* I had released this song once before but have redone both the mix, some overdubs and the vocal.
Vocal and overdubs done with the following.

Mic: TLM 103
Pre: JoeMeek VC1Q

Trying to get this album done is a pain!

Thanks for the input in advance!,

Cody Young
YMG Studio


Oh I finally got a nice place to keep just my files for download that way I can keep my hosting service off my a$$



3 Files on there are Pretty close to done as well and are going on the album you can check out those if you want too! ;-)

Little Feet
3 Hands on the Wheel
Can Take it From Here

I will be having a ton more for the mixing clinic in the next few weeks. This is a 15 Song album and I am only done with the first 3 LOL
Hey Shakes, I'm at home on the old 26400 connection, so will have to check them out in the morning at work! But....since you are a seasoned Paris owner......I'm about to grab a new Paris Pro system and i am at the edge of my financial rope on putting it all together. So, should I do the "rack-o-dual preamps" thing, or would say a new vlz pro mackie provide more usability with the Paris and still provide decent pre-amps?
If you are strapped for cash the mixer would be your best bet. I use pretty much all racked pres but I have built them all up over the past few years. I would say get a mixer and one nice pre for vocals and other crucial ins.

P.s. how much are you paying for the PARIS system? I might very well be able to save you a few hundred bucks on it, email me..

Cody Young

YMG Studio

Heh, I think the topic might be scaring them off.

I got "Little Feet"

Overall, I think this sounds really good. Is this a home recording?

The tracks sound good. You used the same mic/pre for the whole song?

If you want me to be really picky:

I think the vocal sounds a little dull and doesn't really stand out much in the mix. I like the warm tone, but it sounds like it gets a little swallowed in the mix.

There's something about the way the drums sit in the mix that just seems a little unbalanced. They sound a little harsh somehow.

The level of the mp3 is very low, but I'm sure you'll fix this in mastering.

Other than that, I think it sounds pretty good. All the guitars and strings sound great. Great song too. Is this you singing?

For some reason, MP3's do not work right from ANGELFIRE for many of us. We were having this same problem with Macle's stuff hosted there. I don't know what the issue is. I DO know if you right click and do save target, it gives an HTML file rather than the correct MP3 file. Probably they are trying to prevent warez, thus screwing other stuff up for people.

I want to hear this, I will try on another computer, but I wanted you to be aware of this. Thats probably why you don't have comments.

The download works for me! Weird. Anyway, Real nice. Paris sounds great. Really like the fiddle, and, well, it's all there, the arrangement, the song, etc. The only thing I might say, and I'm really no technical expert, but it sounds a little over compressed. Mainly the drums, I think. Like when a roll happens, they don't come through with enough punch or volume.

Great job and a nice song.
