oh crap I love Q.O.T.S.A..............


New member
Queens Of The Stone Age have the best combination and mix of guitar/bass I have heard since Alice In chains.......seriously....

Of course, this is only my opinion, which follows the rule of political correctness that this bbs demands...ahem.......

So if anybody wants to bash me for this, consider myself bent over and waiting for yer more qualified and knowledgable guitar penis to enter my anus.............as if........................

I freaking hated "No One Knows" the first time I heard it (keep in mind I'm in the boonies, and I'm stuck with one of the "Clear Channel" stations which comes in every now and then.....mostly not )

Anyway, after hearing it from a decent signal about three months ago, I'm all a'twitter.....................doesn't hurt that Grohl is keeping the beat, either......but damn, that guitar/bass action is so symphonic garage stuff it makes me want to walk erect ......

This rant/review is inspired by the fact that I just heard it again through my home system, and it was a very clean signal...

A curiously simple mix of sound is something I need to remember when I record my own feeble attempts at music.....

So there.........gibs:cool:
I like them too. Something about that mix is great. Maybe it is the simplicity, and that guitar and bass player know exactly what works.

"nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, extacy and alcohol..


from the song 'Feel Good Hit of the Summer'

check out their previous album Rated R too.

Ceck out Kyuss, Hommes previous band!! Tey are really great. Strangly mixed, but great atmosphere.

QOTSA have great songs, but also several disapoinments. However, Song For the Dead is a mf-ing great song.

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nothing to add (i agree with everyones statements)...except i think the radio chatter between songs makes it even better...the whole album just flows..

and that drum tone? god-all-mighty!

actually, the guitar and bass tones rock as well..

great comparison to AIC...not in musical styles, just in the sound...

now, if i could figure out who sings some of these tunes..i can tell josh's voice, and the bassist's voice...and the dude from screaming trees...but who else sings on there?
Great album, great mix and an awesome band.
And yes, check out Kyuss. I prefer Welcome To Sky Valley.

As far as singers, everything that I've read and seen about the band says that there are only 3 singers.
Nick, Josh and Mark (ex-Screaming Trees)
Jonestown said:
Great album, great mix and an awesome band.
And yes, check out Kyuss. I prefer Welcome To Sky Valley.

Yep, me too, Welcome To Sky Valley is their best. 'And The Circus Leaves Town' isn't a bit too muddy.