"Ode to Jack"

Wat up laj?That was cool.I'm not a big fan of that kind of music but as I trolled the net for porn I was pleasantly surprised at how it didn't interrupt me with harshness or untimely changes and for a jam this was really good.I could smoke a GIANT fatty and loop this one and get into a great trance.I liked it and I put it in my library...Nice:)
it was pretty cool, but it didn't have enough change to it as time passed me by........................................................... so.....I kept jumping ahead with the mouse.... same kinda sounds, minutes ahead.....

neat, but the same....
Yeah I really should have put in a disclaimer, this is really just a long jam, not much formal song structure, but it's certainly meant for relaxing, we are big fans of some of Brian Eno's long-winded stuff: "Music for Airports," Discreet Music." Not anything that would really be applicable for an album, but more geared towards what W.I.S.C. was thinking, non abrasive mood stuff. Thanks for listening fellas.

This type of jam could go on forever. I like it. Intelligent elevator music. (Please take the last remark as a compliment ;) )

BTW, who's Jack?
Hey thanks guys,

Yeah Giaschel, I take that as a great compliment, pretty much the purpose of that track. Jack is the Kerouac kind. That was Hunter S. Thompson on the sample, gotta love those Beatniks.

I like it too, reminds me of Tangerine Dream.
(Note to self: Hmmm, haven't listened to them for a while ...)

Has a soundtrack vibe to it as well. Goes well with the current vision in my head ...

On The Road...:)
